Departments (wards) of Regional Zaporozhye Children Hospital

We help children's hospitals

Help was provided to three hospitals in the amount of about $ 541.

August 15, 2023, 22:35 313
Medicines are needed in the hematology department!

Due to the war, there was a delay in the supply of some chemotherapy drugs.

March 1, 2023, 18:25 253
News from the hematology department

Provided assistance to children who remained in the department.

May 22, 2022, 15:25 389
Zaporozhye hospitals will receive new equipment in 2017

In January, the Happy Child Fund signed an agreement in Kyiv with the Embassy of Japan to Ukraine and was selected as the best project at the NATO Charity Bazaar

February 25, 2017, 13:30 1778
Devote a minute attention

15 February 2011 – International Childhood Cancer Day. Our Charity Foundation decided to raise awareness of cancer by launching a special auction

March 19, 2011, 23:00 6246
Newborn's pathology department of Zaporozhye Regional Children's Hospital

The newborn's pathology department specializes in the treatment of the neonatal pathologies: prematurity, the pathologies of prenatal development, birth asphyxia, infections, jaundice

January 15, 2010, 10:00 5504
Hematology department of Zaporozhye Regional Children's Hospital

Children with leucosis and other blood diseases get treatment at the hematology department

November 4, 2008, 12:00 9154
Reanimation department of Zaporozhye Regional Children's Hospital

Doctors of the reanimation department save children in a critical state from the whole region

November 3, 2008, 10:00 14286
Pulmonology department of Regional Zaporozhye Children's Hospital

Children with respiratory apparatus diseases, chronic bronchial pathologies, malformations of bronhial tree, mucoviscidosis (fibrocystic disease of pancreas), immunodeficiency state receive medical treatment here

October 16, 2008, 10:00 5065
Orthopedy and traumatology department of Regional Zaporozhye Children's Hospital

Orthopedy and traumatology surgery is the only department in our region that renders urgent and systematic assistance for children in this field

October 15, 2008, 11:00 15047
Publications found: 10

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs
Oleh and Volodymyr Leontievs

Autism, lactose intolerance

Help now
Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov

Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 188 598

Our expenses in 2024
To 77 sick children $59 982
Medical equipment: $9 514
Humanitarian help: $34 325
To disabled children: $65 717
To children's village: $3 482
To orphans and poor children: $7 865
"Helpus" - help to adults: $21 251
Service expenses: $28 410
Total sum of expenses: $233 709

$6 958 196

donated since 2007