Kalinovka orphanage (Chernigovka district)
Home Is Where We Are Together
Thanks to the Happy Child volunteers, Oleg enjoyed the most wonderful birthday ever – the boy together with his friends travelled to the Crimea in January
January 30, 2014, 19:00 4217The December Report of the Works Done in Chernigov Children’s Home in Kalinovka in 2013
Pre-Christmas fuss – Christmas trees, holiday parties, presents, and guests – surely, could not leave Kalinovka aside
January 12, 2014, 11:50 2759The November Report of the Works Done in the Chernigov Children’s Home in Kalinovka in 2013
Three kids have been adopted, the works on the front of the second Happy Home have been completed and we have visited a theater. Thus, November could be called one of the most successful months of this year for our foundation in Kalinovka
December 11, 2013, 18:30 2633“Different” Theater for Orphans from Kalinovka
Last Saturday twenty children and grownups with learning disabilities from the Kalinovka Orphanage went to the theater. Here are my impressions and thoughts about the day out with “different” people…
November 28, 2013, 13:00 3703The October Report of the Works Done in the Chernigov Children’s Home in Kalinovka in 2013
The visit of real angels, training of the Child’s Home staff, planting apple trees and the non-stop reconstruction of the future Happy Home-2 for little orphans with special needs are the highlights of October
November 16, 2013, 11:30 3867Our Goal is Only a Heartbeat Away!
The construction works on the second family-type “Happy Home” in Kalinovka have been actively proceeding and we look forward to opening the doors of a new sweet home for little orphans later this year!
November 4, 2013, 12:00 2151Collected Supplies for Disabled Children Delivered to the Chernigov Child’s Home
Recently, Children helping children" social project has been completed in Berdyansk. School and personal hygiene supplies were collected for children living in the Chernigov Child’s Home, which houses children with various congenital conditions
October 28, 2013, 10:30 3589The September Report of the Work Done in the Chernigov Children’s Home in Kalinovka in 2013
Last month little and big orphans from Kalinovka enjoyed a day-trip to the seaside town of Berdyansk and had lots of fun at the musical workshop held by volunteers from Zaporizhzhia
October 7, 2013, 20:30 3815Teach Me to Believe!
Perhaps, in order to realize this objective we keep coming to visit and support the children and adults in Kalinovka
September 19, 2013, 11:00 4557Small Steps towards a Big Dream
Roofing works in Kalinovka have been completed, the construction is in progress, and this year we plan to open our second Happy Home
September 12, 2013, 11:30 2369Publications are shown from 51 to 60
Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004
They need help:
You donated in 2024
$ 188 598
Our expenses in 2024
To 77 sick children | $59 982 |
Medical equipment: | $9 514 |
Humanitarian help: | $34 325 |
To disabled children: | $65 717 |
To children's village: | $3 482 |
To orphans and poor children: | $7 865 |
"Helpus" - help to adults: | $21 251 |
Service expenses: | $28 410 |
Total sum of expenses: | $233 709 |
$6 958 196
donated since 2007