Kalinovka orphanage (Chernigovka district)

Grown Up Children Also Need Care!

We really need your support to manage the salary of a weekend educator for the grown up orphans in the Kalinovka orphanage. We greatly appreciate your cooperation!

September 10, 2014, 12:00 2465
The July Report on the Works Done in Orphanages for Children with Special Needs

We bought special nutrition for the orphanage in Velikiy Lug and finally found a physician for the orphanage in Kalinovka!

August 16, 2014, 16:30 3211
What were you dreaming about when you were twenty?

For her 20th birthday, Larisa from Kalinovka dreamt about a portable speaker and a family. What were you dreaming about when you were twenty?

August 16, 2014, 12:50 3141
Against All Odds

In spring 2013 Ukrainian physicians declared a Ukrainian orphan to be incurable. However it soon was proven to be wrong. The boy survived. Against all odds

August 13, 2014, 17:50 3623
Everyone is off to the seaside!

Last July four grownup dwellers of the Kalinovka orphanage went to a Christian summer camp. Many thanks!

August 12, 2014, 17:00 3217
Above the Sky

How an ordinary care-taker from the orphanage in Kalinovka came to be in wonderful England for a week

August 12, 2014, 10:00 2255

The story of how dreams come true... About a former orphan Oleg from the village of Kalinovka who recently found a loving family

July 15, 2014, 13:00 2082
The June Reports on Our Works Done in Care Homes for Children with Special Needs

We’d like to express our gratitude to each and everyone who in June provided special children and adults with pecuniary gifts and good mood, which is priceless. We do appreciate it!

July 8, 2014, 19:30 2656
The May Reports on our Works Done in the Children’s Home in Kalinovka in 2014

Three children have been adopted and the girls have finally moved into their new home - these are our May's successes in Kalinovka

June 21, 2014, 11:00 3027
The Letter from Mom of Children with Special Needs

A true story of a former charity foundation employee who six years ago became a real mother for a number of special kids in the Kalinovka orphanage

June 19, 2014, 21:00 2475
Publications found: 138

Publications are shown from 31 to 40

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Davyd Tereshchenko
Davyd Tereshchenko

Bronchial asthma, allergic vasomotor rhinitis

Help now
Daryna Tsyhypa
Daryna Tsyhypa

Severe scoliosis

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 183 875

Our expenses in 2024
To 76 sick children $56 835
Medical equipment: $5 911
Humanitarian help: $34 028
To disabled children: $63 273
To children's village: $3 482
To orphans and poor children: $7 963
"Helpus" - help to adults: $20 766
Service expenses: $26 905
Total sum of expenses: $221 807

$6 953 473

donated since 2007