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Nikita Burlay, born in 2013 - Cerebral palsy

February 3, 2021, 19:55 1096 Author: Natalia Moroz At the end of 2020, Angela Burlai's small family became even smaller - now without David. In order not to think about grief, Angela and Nikita plunged deeper into work.

Nikita Burlai

Nikita Burlay, born in 26.09.2013

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy.

News about Nikita Burlai's treatment


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"It is very difficult to write about what the heart does not accept!"

In October 2020, grief happened in the family of Angela Burlai. For a long time, my mother could not talk about it, but life forces herself to pull herself together and look forward for the sake of her son. Now the only one. “My son David has become an angel! - says Angela. - His heart stopped. After such a heavy loss, it is very difficult to pull myself together and continue to fight, but my second son really needs me and you, Nikita, who will now fight the disease for two!”

Now all of Angela's attention is directed to Nikita. She dreams that this year he will go to the first grade and, possibly, to the most ordinary school where healthy children study. 7 years of tireless struggle have given tremendous positive momentum and great prospects for the future.

In order not to think about their grief, the small family plunged deeper into work. Kindergarten in the morning, after - the sports section. Since November last year, Nikitka began to practice judo! What is easy and simple for an ordinary child, then Nikita is given with difficulty. After a trial lesson, seeing the boy's great desire and desire, the coach agreed to take a special baby. So far, the lessons are individual, because it is not easy to deal with children with special needs. And Nikita, in turn, is trying very hard to get into the general group of children. But now the main thing is to learn to walk with confidence! And training between rehab is good for keeping fit.

Nikita Burlay

So in January 2021, Nikitka underwent an intensive rehabilitation course at the Ioannov Center. And again, according to the final indicators, Nikita improved his results! We were tested before and after classes. As a result, coordination of movements and endurance improved, Nikita was able to walk more than 20 meters and step over the bar on his own. And before leaving, he received his first medal and certificate for achievements!

Further - hippotherapy classes in the "Sprout of Life" center to improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and 2 courses in the "Space Clinic" center in Kharkov. We continued complex treatment in the Odessa sanatorium "Khadzhibey" and again in the Dnepropetrovsk "John Center".

In September 2021 Nikita will become a first grader! He will study in an inclusive class of a regular school and is already intensively preparing for this new stage of life. And this is non-stop rehabilitation. The spasticity, which he has been struggling with for 7 years, thanks to constant exercises, decreases. But due to the growth of the child, the spastic process resumes again. Therefore, the current rehabilitation is an intermediate and most important stage of preparation for a very important operation that is awaiting Nikita.

The purpose of a selective dorsal rhizotomy is to relieve muscle spasticity and reduce pain. The operation is based on the removal of the vertebral plate to act on the nerve roots. After the procedure, a significant increase in the motor range is noted, which means successful correction of the spastic syndrome.

Angela Burlai: “Today such operations on the spinal cord are not performed in Ukraine. Yes, and in the world, too, not everywhere, but they are able to save a child from spasticity forever. The physically stronger the child is, the faster he will recover from the operation. That is why our rehabilitation is so important for us now. I am sure that Nikita will be able to walk on his own without pain and spasticity, and in the future to be independent. But so far we are only at the beginning of fundraising for surgery and rehabilitation at the children's clinic in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and we cannot stop training. Therefore, we continue to attend rehabilitation courses whenever possible. And for material support in paying for classes at the "Space Clinic" in Kharkov, which took place in August 2021 and were paid for by the fund, a special thank you!".

For more information, you can also contact the staff Of the "Happy Child Foundation"

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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