Needs of Zaporozhye Regional Children s Hospital

We help the neonatal intensive care unit

We plan to purchase medicines and consumables for the department. This requires 100 thousand hryvnias.

October 20, 2022, 20:35 511
Updated furniture in the pediatric intensive care unit

We report on the help of the hospital.

August 1, 2022, 20:35 631
The intensive care unit of the children's hospital needs new furniture!

For emergency medical care, furniture plays an important role.

June 9, 2022, 19:25 485
Zaporozhzhye Regional Children's Hospital Needs a Portable Ultrasound Machine

The fund-raising campaign is closed. The details are in the article. For the time being there is somewhat less than one such unit is available. The amount in dispute is 31,000 USD

February 24, 2015, 11:30 2372
Surgeon Armarium is Urgently Needed for Children’s Hospitals of the City

This request is especially important considering the front-line position of our oblast

February 20, 2015, 18:00 1763
The Smallest Patients of the Zaporozhye Region Need Your Help!

The Intensive Care Unit of the Zaporozhye Regional Clinic for Children urgently needs components for an artificial lung ventilation apparatus and sensors for oxygen saturation monitors

April 5, 2013, 14:55 2130
Port-catheter - less problems, better results!

Special venous catheters can make the treatment of children with cancer easier. Help us to provide the children with port-catheters!

January 20, 2012, 22:00 10440
Prompt Action!

We’re heartily grateful to all the donors who sympathized with the pain of others and in a lightning speed managed to donate 29, 700 hryvnyas (3, 710 $) for the purchase of a new cardio monitor device for the regional children’s cardiological department!

January 6, 2011, 14:00 3724
Cardio monitor, let’s save children from dying!

This monitor is able to save the lives of hundreds and perhaps thousands of children

September 14, 2010, 17:10 5980
Publications found: 9

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Andrii Levadnyi
Andrii Levadnyi

Hydrocephalus, spastic hemiparesis, symptomatic epilepsy

Help now
Kyrylo Shcherbakov
Kyrylo Shcherbakov

Brain malformations

Help now
Tymofii Lapkov
Tymofii Lapkov

Delay in the development of the musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, epileptic syndrome

Help now

You donated in 2025

$ 33 455

Our expenses in 2025
To 33 sick children $8 703
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 710
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $2 015
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 715
Service expenses: $2 304
Total sum of expenses: $19 540

$7 084 665

donated since 2007