Advisory opinion: page. 1, page. 2
For over two years now Nikita has been fighting cancer.
It all started with acute abdominal pain. During the diagnosis, doctors found Ewing's sarcoma in the abdominal cavity of a staggering size - the size of a large orange. In just a week, Nikita's life has changed dramatically. Behind the door of the oncology ward were your favorite school, sports section and friends. Ahead is a difficult struggle for life.
Six months of chemotherapy killed not only the tumor, but also the boy's bone marrow, the hematopoietic function was practically zero. Then - bone marrow autotransplantation at the Cancer Institute. Nikita and his mother dream of getting ready for it forever. High fever, constant vomiting and stomatitis - the only thing they had in the sterile box during these three weeks. From time to time Nikita was transferred to intravenous nutrition - it was so difficult to give high-dose chemotherapy. And a month after the transplantation of our hero, twenty sessions of radiation therapy were expected.
Only a year after the start of treatment, the doctors confirmed that there is a confident result. The tumor has decreased by 80%, there are no metastases. But there are still small foci that need to continue to be treated with chemotherapy.
This winter Nikita went to school. He dreamed about this event for two whole years! All this time, due to reduced immunity, contacts were limited, next to the boy were only relatives and best friend - the dog Luna.
For a year now, Nikita has been constantly taking maintenance "chemotherapy" and every three months he travels to Kiev for examination. The lesions are getting smaller each time, but the cherished word "remission" has not yet been heard. Each time the treatment is extended again by three months.
For the next quarter, we again need 24 bottles of Etoposide-200 worth 370 USD. Let's support Nikita and bring him closer to the long-awaited remission and final victory over cancer!
The family lives in Zaporizhzhia.
Report on received donations and expenses