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News about Kyryl Kulynych

July 2, 2024, 15:00 112 Author: Yana Lobanok deti.zp.ua The boy underwent orthopedic surgery.

News about Kyryl Kulynych

Two months ago, we opened a fundraiser for an operation for Kyryl Kulinych. At the age of three, his sciatic nerve was damaged during a routine injection. The consequences were terrible: the innervation of the muscles was disrupted, the right lower leg lost sensitivity, and the foot did not move at all. Unfortunately, several operations did not bring significant changes, and in nine years, Kirill's right leg became shorter than his left, and his foot was deformed and differed from the left by two sizes.

In mid-June, Kirill underwent another operation in Kyiv. Together with you, we purchased an implant for osteosynthesis worth 27,200 hryvnias (680 US dollars). During the operation, which lasted almost three hours, the boy's foot was aligned and fixed in a physiological position. Every two days, Kirill's parents take him for a bandage, and in five weeks there will be the first control and removal of the fixing pins from the heel. Then it takes time for the bones to grow. Now the boy moves with the help of crutches, and soon he will be put on a plastic "plaster" with which he will be able to lean on the sick leg.

It is impossible to convey in words how Kirilo and his family hope for positive changes after the operation. We believe that it will be so!

We sincerely thank you, friends, for helping Kirill!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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You donated in 2024

$ 188 154

Our expenses in 2024
To 76 sick children $59 417
Medical equipment: $9 514
Humanitarian help: $34 325
To disabled children: $65 229
To children's village: $3 482
To orphans and poor children: $7 780
"Helpus" - help to adults: $21 251
Service expenses: $28 381
Total sum of expenses: $232 542

$6 957 753

donated since 2007