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Liza Pukhalska, born in 2021 - Bilateral cleft palate

February 1, 2023, 14:55 2951 Author: Yana Lobanok Fundraising stopped! The money for the operation has been collected, thank you!

Liza Pukhalska

Liza Pukhalska, born in 03.07.2021

Diagnosis: Bilateral cleft palate.

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ВATTENTION! AS OF 02/07/2023 : Fundraising stopped! The money for the operation has been collected, thank you!

UPD on 02/01/2023

Last February, two weeks before the start of the war, we introduced you to Lisa. Girl was born with a cleft palate, then her oral and nasal cavities were connected. Plastic surgery of the palate was scheduled for early March. Together with you, we quickly raised the necessary amount for operation, but because of the war it was carried out two months later.

The results of the operation at that time were quite satisfactory. We wrote about it in this publication. A month later on the upper palate a small hole appeared - the seam parted. It happens, but the doctors hoped that through it will drag on for a while. But this did not happen and Lisa needs an operation again.

Now the baby is one and a half years old. She loves colorful books, knows all the animals and tries them imitate. Love for an older brother is something special! Only he puts her to sleep, and in the morning his sister wakes him up with a kiss.

Due to a cleft palate, Lisa cannot eat solid food and is very difficult to tolerate each cold. She cannot breathe through her nose and will not be able to talk in the future. But if to carry out one more stage of palate plasty, Lisa learn to talk, eat and breathe properly!

The operation is scheduled for the second half of February, its cost is about 270 $. There is very little time, but Lisa's parents are counting on our help! Now they, like many families of our wounded country, it is very difficult for them now.


Liza Pukhalska

Danger lurked behind Lisa's tiny lips. The baby was born with a cleft palate, and now her oral and nasal cavities are connected. Because of this, swallowing and breathing are disturbed, it is difficult for the child to learn to speak. But there is good news: the malformation of the palate can be completely eliminated with the help of plastic surgery.

The first weeks of Lisa's life were the most difficult ones. The baby had to be fed through a tube, as she could not suck and swallow at all. Dozens of bottles were tried until Lisa learned to eat on her own. And it was a significant achievement, because in such children it is very important to maintain the swallowing reflex.

Lisa is now six months old. She eats well from her special bottle, and her mother makes sure that food does not get into the spout, and from there into the respiratory tract.

Лиза Пухальская

The “little twitter”, as her relatives call her, develops at her own pace: plays with rattles and tries to hold a bottle, knows how to roll over, but is in no hurry to sit. And at the sight of her older brother, Lisa's eyes light up with love and tenderness.

Uranoplasty — correction of the hard palate — will take place at the Rudnev clinic in the Dnipro. But first, Lisa needs to gain another half a kilogram of weight. The first operation is scheduled for March. After that, she will need one or two more operations within an interval of several months.

In the meantime, Liza is gaining weight, we need to collect $533. Such is the price of a mistake of nature. Let's help the baby become healthy together!

The family lives in Zaporozhye.

For more information, you can also contact the staff of the "Happy Child" Foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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