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Another step towards the main goal is to walk!

August 19, 2021, 17:18 556 Author: Yana Lobanok Maxim completed a rehabilitation course at the "Krok by Krok" center

Maxim Fitiskin

Maksim Fitiskin recently completed his rehabilitation at the Krok by Krok center. Two weeks passed quickly, because every day was scheduled by the minute. During the day, Maxim worked diligently in the center, and in the evenings he walked with his mother in beautiful Kiev.

On the first day of treatment, Maxim underwent diagnostics, after which an individual rehabilitation program was drawn up. Rehabilitologists advised to buy a cane "crab", as walking with a walker is already too easy for Maxim. Walking with a cane is the next step towards independent walking!

It is too early to talk about the results of rehabilitation, but the first achievements have already been made. By the end of the course, Maxim was able to stand without support for ten seconds! Thanks to correctly selected exercises, Maxim's posture improved, so they decided to postpone the purchase of the corset for now.

Maxim Fitiskin

In mid-September, Maxim with the team "Invasport" goes to Lviv. There will be a swimming championship. The first competition in his life and the first trip without a mother. We wish our hero success!

Maxim is an extremely diligent boy. We believe that he will achieve his goal - to walk. Why, he has so many assistants! Thank you, friends, for giving the boy the opportunity to undergo treatment on a regular basis!

Part of the amount for rehabilitation was collected on the dobro.ua. platform. Thank you!

Report on received donations and expenses

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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Kyrylo Shcherbakov

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$ 187 968

Our expenses in 2024
To 76 sick children $59 417
Medical equipment: $9 514
Humanitarian help: $34 325
To disabled children: $64 931
To children's village: $3 482
To orphans and poor children: $7 780
"Helpus" - help to adults: $21 251
Service expenses: $28 381
Total sum of expenses: $232 244

$6 957 567

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