Medical History Statement: page 1, page 2.
Leskov Kiriusha – is disabled since childhood.The little boy was born with several disorders.
Kirill is just 8 years old and he has already received 19 surgeries, the last one was a skull trepanning (after ischemic stroke). The preliminary diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease Moja Mojawas made to Kiriusha after MRI had been conducted.
The right side of Kirill`s body is paralyzed, and there is a long way of treatment that he has to undergo. The family did all the MoyaMoya disease treatment options and examinations possible in Ukraine. 9 April Kirill and his mother must travel to Moscow to Burdenko Neurosurgery Centerfor consultations and examination.
The approximate amount of 3 820 USD is needed for examination. Your dollar can save the life of a child.
When in hardship, Kiriusha`s family ask everybody who care to save their only son helping him to raise on his legs.