If your child has cystic fibrosis (Moscow 2011)
Questions and answers concerning adolescents with cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and clinical examination)
Treatment methods for those with cystic fibrosis
The practice of modern inhalation therapy
Physical therapy in the treatment of CF
While this page has been translated into English, the following attachments are presented in their original language:
“Cystic Fibrosis”
I stand on my tippy toes so I can get to the mirror.
I would like to be on television, have viewers read about me.
It will not be on the agenda for long, the question:
Everyone cares so much about it – what is CYSTIC FIBROSIS?
It is said to be related to ones genes, he lives – he does not eat, does not drink.
He has a bad character and in short, he does not give you life.
Yes, the question is very serious, complex, not simple
and the disease’s prognosis is fearsome, but we will cope with the difficulty.
We will play sports, run, swim and jump.
Everyone will have a smile and breathe more easily.
Since birth I have been part of this issue and I wanted to say something…
oh wait, according to my schedule I need to take Creon.
As the professor of medicine told us in a serious tone:
the sneaky cystic fibrosis disappeared.
Suddenly the chair rocked, what happened? We don’t understand.
The professors from the podium acclaimed.
Our little princess Pelagiya Nesterenko, her friends and family wrote the poem.
Kinesitherapy - one method of physical therapy to treat cystic fibrosis.
MK "Kinesitherapy"