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Some joy to doctors…

June 3, 2008, 0:00 3760 Author: Gavrisheva Irina www.deti.zp.ua Our main purpose is to help children. However, sometimes in order to help children first it is necessary to help doctors, department, and hospital…

Our main purpose is to help children. However, sometimes in order to help children first it is necessary to help doctors, department, and hospital… Sometimes doctors rejoice over such assistance as children do … I have to observe such sincere joy on the doctors’ faces when I hand them some kind of parcels from our faithful comrades-in-arms from different countries and even continents. Ilana from America, Vita Semenyuk from America and Anya from Germany hand such parcels.

That was not the first parcel from Ilana… a lot of things she considers to be “trifles” are of high importance for our doctors. Special pulseoxymetry sensors (blood oxygen measurement) for the youngest children, as well as tiny cuffs for pressure measurement, little masks for oxygen therapy and artificial respiration, and a lot of such “thrum” … sometimes looking at the mysterious packing I can’t even understand what it is nor can our doctors… certainly, how can we know what it is if we have never set eyes on it? If several monitoring equipments are purchased according to the bidding but sensors for them are not purchased… Still, thanks to Ilana we’ve managed to alleviate the problem of lack for the majority of sensors. Anya’s parcel from Germany settled the problem concerning cardio sensors for the next several months. Now the doctors have got an opportunity to carry out cardiac monitoring when it is necessary but not when there are sensors at our disposal…

There is one more parcel from Vita Semenyuk that has appeared to be absolutely invaluable – there are insulin syringes and special alcoholic tissues in it. Our hematology is constantly in need of insulin syringes for children suffering from diabetes as a result of hormonotherapy and children with zero analyses who can be given an injection only with thin insulin syringe needles. Resuscitation department also needs insulin syringes. There can be children-diabetics and small premature infants in this department. Common needles are extremely thick for them. Our regional and municipal children’s resuscitation mobile teams want to thank Victoria especially for sending the alcoholic tissues.

These little facilities play a great role in case when an intensivist has to do CPR, when he doesn’t have an opportunity to cleanse his hands duly, when he doesn’t have time to turn off bottles with alcohol.

Our hematologists also want to thank Ilana especially for the extrasmall-sized gloves! When our manageress (who is rather slight of figure) put them on she said «Well, I do not know how it is when the glove doesn’t pucker and doesn’t hang down the fingers». Now she knows that due to Ilana…

In general there were a lot of joyful exclamations and thanks to these three girls-assistants! Three parcels were divided among the following groups:

Children’s resuscitation emergency team

Resuscitation department of regional children’s hospital

and hematology department (unfortunately, I haven’t taken a pic).

I want to thank again for lightening the work for our doctors. Thus, you have raised effectiveness of providing medical assistance to the children! Our volunteers, doctors and those children who will be saved due to these “trifles” are grateful to you!

There a lot of ways to help departments and children from Zaporozhye. Please, find details on our website. We provide and guarantee complete accounting.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Artur Kerimov
Artur Kerimov

Cerebral palsy, structural epilepsy

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Humanitarian help: $1 047
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To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 235
Service expenses: $2 268
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