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Egor Organischuk, born in 2001 - rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) of pelvis, stage 3

November 26, 2014, 19:00 6247 Author: Oksana Organischuk, translated by Izabella Balakirsky deti.zp.ua Fundraising closed in connection with the death of a child Yegor left this world on the night of 26 to 27 of October. He fought with all his strength in his recovery and he believed everything including. But the Lord God has decided that there, in the clouds, it will be easier and there it is necessary ... The bright memory. Forces close ..

Органищук Егор

Egor Organischuk, born on May 17th, 2001

Diagnosis: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) of pelvis, stage 3.

Up-to-date treatment news about Egor Organischuk

The notice of receipt

The medical report

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The Reports of the Donations Received and Spent

ATTENTION! AS AT 30.12.2015 г.: Fundraising closed in connection with the death of a child.

Yegor left this world on the night of 26 to 27 of October. He fought with all his strength in his recovery and he believed everything including. But the Lord God has decided that there, in the clouds, it will be easier and there it is necessary ... The bright memory. Forces close ..


Trouble came to the house of the Organischuk family. Oksana's son, Egor, suddenly fell ill. He is just 13 years old.

Egor has always been very fond of sports. He has a blue belt in karate. He also loves soccer, but this insidious illness has nullified all hopes that his interest and inclination in sports could become his future profession. A sudden pain in his leg resulted in surgery; the complicated surgery was only 20% successful.

Egor was subsequently diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) of the pelvis, stage 3. He is in the high risk group. He has already had 3 cycles of chemotherapy, but he is feeling worse and worse.

Органищук Егор

On Wednesday, November 12th, Oksana visited the Moscow clinic, to find out whether the doctors there can help young Egor defeat his illness. The Burdenko Neurosurgery Research Institute is going to discuss that question and make their final decision on November 21st. After that date, we will be able to describe the outlook for the upcoming surgery in more detail and name the exact amount of money needed. In any case, surgical intervention to remove the tumor from the spine and the soft tissues is absolutely necessary.

Органищук Егор

Органищук Егор

Органищук Егор

Egor's family is not able to raise such a huge sum of money. Please don't be indifferent to another person's trouble. Help us save this child from dying; we will be grateful for any help you can provide. May God bless everyone who extends a helping hand.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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