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“Kangaroo” program for children with special needs aged 0 – 6 (program of the Zaporozhye regional public organization “Florence”)

October 25, 2013, 12:00 2036 Author: "Kangaroo", translated by Elena Guda www.deti.zp.ua “Kangaroo” program is created for children with special needs aged 0-6 and their families. The children have a possibility to visit the Center same as a kindergarten, meaning they can stay there in day care without their parents

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Center address and telephone

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Center’s objectives

Main areas of the Center activities


“Kangaroo” program was created in 2008 in cooperation with the German Children’s Integration Complex “Kinderfoerderwerk” (Magdeburg) and the Zaporozhye regional public organization “Florence”

Our clients are children with special needs aged 0-6, and their families. The children have a possibility to visit our center same as kindergartens meaning they can stay there in day care without their parents


The objective of the “Kangaroo” program is early social and physical rehabilitation/ development of children with special needs aged 0-6 (for children with the Down syndrome, autism, cerebral spastic infantile paralysis, hyperactivity, developmental disorders, speech and language disorders and other nosologies).

The main thing for us is happiness and health of each child! It gives us joy to help children!


We are helping children in the following:

- mastering of self-service skills (personal hygiene skills, dressing up/ undressing, taking food and drinks),

- in development of fine and gross motor activity,

- in sensory development (development of hearing, visual, olfactory and tactile skills),

- in cognitive development (development of perception, thinking, memory, imagination),

- in the social and emotional development (development of emotional components of the child, interaction with people, establishing contacts),

- in communicative development (development of skills to communicate and make relations, keeping dialogue, extension of the vocabulary).

Beside the main specialists of the Center (physical rehabilitation specialists, a social teacher, a social worker), a musical therapist and a speech therapist also conduct training of children. In addition, visiting swimming pool is planned for future.

Systematic stay of a child in the Center among other children, permanent individual and group training, communication with other people allows for his/her successful development, and above all, all this helps children to become happier!

“Kangaroo” program is a day care program. Children can attend the Center daily, Monday to Friday, in the period of 8.30 - 16.00, eleven months of the year (in July the Center is closed for vacation). During the day the children participate in the individual and group trainings, they simply walk in the street and learn self-servicing skills; they play and simply love!


Web-page: http://florence.ucoz.ua/publ/2-1-0-7#

E-mail: florence-zp@mail.ru

Address: Zaporozhye, Dzerzhynskogo St 68, office 28.

Telephone: +380 61 764 51 14.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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