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A Child Needs a Family: Victor M., born in 2003

August 2, 2013, 18:50 6477 Author: Viktoria Mochalova, translated by Anna Oliynyk Victor has come of age

Victor is a playful and naughty boy and a very good-tempered one. He is happy to see his guests and is doing his best to find some common ground with them. He hasn’t got too many resources to do so, but he does not lose his hope.

The boy must have long ago got used to the fact that his speech is not very clear to others, so he eagerly repeats his words over and over again until he is finally understood.

Victor is a tender boy. Even when he tells us about an older girl who often offends little ones, he looks rather puzzled than anything else.

The boy loves to run around and to play active games. But when he sits down to do his homework, he becomes diligent and concentrated. He never stops before he figures out how to cope with this or that task, he writes letters and numbers with all his carefulness and accuracy. Besides, he likes drawing.

But the biggest hobby of the boy is dancing. So far he does not know the basics of choreography and does not attend the school dancing club as he is too small for it. But as soon as Victor hears music playing, nothing can stop him from dancing.

The boy calls me Mommy and our cameraman – Daddy. He is used to it: all men are his “Daddies” and all women are his “Mommies”. It is so important for him to feel he is a son. A real son.

If you are interested in adopting Victor, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents; you can also contact Children’s Affairs' service of the Zaporozhia State Administration by telephone (061) 239-01-56 and to tell them the number of Victor's profile accordingly to the orphan list # 0055256.

Other children who dream of finding a family

If for some reason you are currently not able to adopt (for example, you are a student and do not have a family of your own yet) you are still able to help children at a boarding school (an orphanage with your financial support. Ways you can help include: planning and participating in excursions and trips for children; visiting a child in an orphanage; or helping purchase developmental toys, books, construction sets, and sports equipment.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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To children's village: $991
To orphans and poor children: $1 303
"Helpus" - help to adults: $10 868
Service expenses: $9 430
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$6 811 983

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