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Children with Special Needs Enjoy a Nice Walk in the Dubovaya Roschsha Park

June 10, 2013, 18:00 3129 Author: Yulia Akhtman, translated by Denys Stepanyuk klubok.org.ua Pupils from the Zaporozhye orphanage for boys with disabilities for the first time visited the Central Park of Culture and Leisure Dubovaya Roschsha ("Oak Grove")

A man and his body are an integral part of nature. Major life processes in the body are carried out at the expense of the organs through which the exchange of information, energy and materials takes place. Nature is a natural source of energy of all living things.

Communication between man and nature is always important. Especially when it comes to health and spiritual development of children. In today's world people have access not only to innovative products and advanced technologies. Also, along with the benefits of civilization, the share of each one of us has an uncontrollable amount of electromagnetic radiation and radiation waves. Often, due to the location of residence, lack of time, a way of life, a person unwittingly disturbs the harmony with nature.

People choose how and where to spend their free time. But what about the children who live in children's homes, orphanages and boarding schools? It's no secret that travels outside of such institutions are very rare.

The "Happy Child" charity foundation continues to sponsor tours, hiking and other activities for children. For example, last Thursday, May 23rd another trip for the children with special needs around the city and the countryside took place. Such a trip is very important, since children with learning difficulties need an individual approach to adaptation in society. This time the children visited the central park called Dubovaya Roschsha, ("Oak Grove").

The Central Park of Culture and Leisure Dubovaya Roschsha ("Oak Grove") got its name thanks to many oak trees that in the XVIII century occupied the vast territory of the city. The official opening of the Oak Grove Park was in 1959. By the way, this is where the shooting of a well-known Soviet film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” directed by Marlen Hutsiev took place. And, despite the fact that the park has long been one of the loveliest places of many city dwellers, there are still many who have not walked along this picturesque corner of the city.

Some pupils from the Zaporozhye orphanage for boys with disabilities came to appreciate the beauty and majesty of Mother Nature. The “Happy Child” charity foundation has financed 49 seats of this bus trip. The eldest and the youngest group of children arrived at the park for the first time. The children walked along the main roads and small paths leading to a green and full of young spring foliage grove. On their way they met grazing camels, horses, ponies and pretty good-natured gregarious donkey.

Despite the frightening forecast of rain, the weather was sunny. The guys had a happy trip. All of them asked when they could have the next trip. I should note that these children are very good, friendly and obedient who are genuinely happy about everything created by nature. Repeatedly watching these kids I realize that many of us, ordinary people, have slightly lost what these children did not even think of losing - enjoying all the good that is around, being grateful for everything and keeping on smiling.

Author of the article and photos: Yulia Akhtman.

Anyone can help children as a volunteer. You can also make a feasible donation by any way you like. The employees of the Klubok project will be happy to answer all your questions.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov

Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

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