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Help Me Conquer Leukemia!

May 28, 2013, 13:50 2309 Author: Alina Senjuk, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua On June 7th Mark is to start his next chemotherapy that requires approximately 250 US dollars. His single mother can’t cope with it alone with her monthly income of 187 US dollars. Help Mark, please!

Since the moment her active, easy-going and kind son was diagnosed with cancer, Ljudmila is suffering severe financial hardship, trying to raise huge sums of money for her only ray of hope, her beloved son Mark. During the first six months Ljudmila and Mark could not believe their quirk of fate. Time went by and the family had to accept their bitter reality and find inner strength to fight leukemia. Your kind support inspires mother and son to keep on fighting.

Mark’s mother spent more than 20,000 hryvnyas (approximately 1,251 US dollars) for two years of chemotherapies. This sum of money is just enormous for a single mother.

Mark is to start his twelfth chemotherapy in 10 days. This battle for life will cost him 250 US dollars. In Ukraine medical treatment is free but medicine is not included.

It may seem that 250 US dollars is not a big deal but the cruel truth is – Ljudmila cannot raise it alone. Her month salary is just 1,500 hryvnyas (187 US dollars). She and her son can hardly make ends meet.

Mark has already overcome lots of obstacles. Just a little bit is left. Mark hopes for God’s support through your big hearts. Mark and his mom Ljudmila both believe they will make it through this terrifying ordeal with your help!

There is a week left for us to help Mark raise 250 US dollars. Mark’s mother must buy and pay for the medicine in full before the doctors will begin treatment. Without it he dies…

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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