Already for more than 8 years the family of Galina and Dmitry Vertegel has been guardians of orphaned children from orphanages of the Zaporozhye region: the children come to visit them for the weekend.
Certainly, orphans come across many everyday problems after orphanages which are not things they were not mentally ready for - they just did not imagine that such difficulties existed and they have to deal with them by themselves: cooking yourself a meal, and buying it in a supermarket beforehand, finding a job, calculating a monthly budget, filing documents and paying some bills. In general, the orphans never dreamed of the existence of so many everyday problems, because the State system and school's thick walls protected them.
It is remarkable that there are people like Galina and Dmitry, who are willing to give their knowledge, free time, love and care to adolescent orphans from orphanages, inviting children to visit for the weekend. In the family, children learn the secrets of managing their lives, responsibility, independence and accuracy.
Now the couple is gathering all the necessary papers to be the official guardians of two of the children who have come to visit them, so that they can stay in the family as soon as possible.
There are three orphans under the care of the family who are being raised and constantly reside with them at the moment. And three children whom the couple takes every weekend from the orphanage in Zaporozhye. Thus, over the weekend, on holidays and during vacations there are 6-7 orphans in the family. Grandmother Galina and grandfather Dmitry have enough love and warmth in their hearts to give attention to all the children. Lacking only the material resources. So, on average for 1 child every weekend they spend at least UAH 100 (that’s approximately 12 US dollars). The children are very unhealthy and require constant treatment, vitamins, good nutrition. The couple is trying to develop the orphans - all of their children have access to the pool because they need to learn how to swim, and to improve their health! Also all of the children eat good quality food.
Galina and Dmitry do not complain and do not lose heart, they say, "If we can not provide for the children, why then do we look after them."And yet, in recent times, it has become very difficult to set aside enough money the family budget of two pensioners to buy good food; prices are also rising rapidly.
The state does not provide financial assistance to families who host orphans for the weekend. Vertegel's family receives social assistance only for children in care, who live with them all the time
Dmitry, Galina and their children are hoping for your kind assistance. They will be glad to receive any of your financial support and food aid, educational toys or household appliances!
Contact Dmitry Semenovich and Galina Pavlovna by phone. +38 (066) 1702122 or +38 (0612) 625754.
Also, you can learn more about the family and its needs by contacting the Foundation