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Margarita Shkurenkova, born 2008 - mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)

October 2, 2012, 12:00 9475 Author: Olga Vovk, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua Fundraising is closed due to the death of a child! Daisy finished her earthly journey. Sincere condolences to her family, strength to survive the irreparable loss.

Margarita Shkurenkova, born on the 10th of December 2008

Diagnosis: Mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis)

Latest news of Margarita Shkurenkova’s treatment

How to help

The Reports of the Donations Received and Spent


ATTENTION! AS OF 05.24.2021 Fundraising is closed due to the death of a child!

Unfortunately, despite the efforts of many caring people, Margarita's body was no longer able to withstand a serious illness. Daisy finished her earthly journey. Sincere condolences to her family, strength to survive the irreparable loss


Little Margarita is a cheerful, smiling child. She only stops smiling when the pain gets too much. Margarita doesn’t attend kindergarten due to her illness, and there are no special groups for such children like Margarita in Zaporizhzhia. Margarita has enormous potential; she is very artistic. She likes to put on little concerts for her parents; she enjoys singing, dancing and reciting poetry. She would like to share them with other children, but her health is a huge obstacle. The right medicine would give Margarita the opportunity to attend kindergarten for at least part of the day, but her parents cannot afford it.

Margarita’s parents also have a twelve-year old son. Her mother Kristina has to take care of her daughter and therefore cannot work. The family receives around 24 US dollars in monthly allowances, the father earns 183 US dollars a month as a civil servant, and they receive a small amount in benefits for Margarita. This barely covers their expenses (food, utility bills, medicine and special food for Margarita). Basically, the family has to skimp on everything. It’s a long time since the children had any new clothes.

We’re asking you to support the Shkurenkovy family. They have no one to rely on. Your donations would enable little Margarita to be properly treated, go to school, meet other children, and realize her potential.

Here is the list of the drugs little Margarita needs every month: 30 doses of Kolomitsin (Kolistin), 9 boxes of Kreon -2500, 30 Ursofalk tablets, 5 boxes of Pulmozyme, antibiotics, multivitamins – not to mention special food and inhalations. The family cannot pay for all this without help.

71, 060 hryvnyas (4,298 US dollars) is a sum which will provide medication for my daughter for the next 6 months of life. My husband is an honest government office worker, whose salary is 1,500 hryvnyas (90 US dollars) a month, and therefore, all my hopes and all my prayers are for your help. For the help of compassionate people, who can understand another's pain and provide whatever assistance they are able. As for us, Rita and I promise you, that to repay your kindness, we will blow out the candles on the birthday cake for many, many years to come!

The family lives in the town of Melitopol (the Zaporizhzhia region)

For further information please contact the volunteers of “The Happy Child” Foundation

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Viktoriia Stepura
Viktoriia Stepura

Chronic bronchitis

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