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Kyiv Mayor passed a new program for stray kids

September 22, 2006, 0:00 1986 "ForUm"

Kyiv City State Administration has approved the City Program for Stray Kids for 2006-2010. The resolution has been inked by Kyiv Mayor Chernovetsky, the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) press office informed.

Over 3.000 stray kids and orphans have been registered by the special tutelary agencies. But lots of new kids are found again and again in Kyiv streets, KCSA Deputy Chairman Denis Bass informs. The new program is aimed at creation of the complex measures for overcoming the problem. It plans to form wide network of institutions for social protection of kids which will be financed by different sources.

The main capital departments and services will implement the program. “But the main target is to eliminate the reasons caused the homelessness,” concluded Vitaliy Zhuravsky commissioned to control the implementation of the program.


Peter Crosby (17:18 | 05 September,2006)

Thank you Mr Mayor, and thanks to Terry for relentlessly highlighting the issue AND proposing effective, affordable solutions.

Bohdan (19:55 | 05 September,2006)

This is one of the issues that must be kept on the front burner and it is good to see that the Mayor is following up on his promises. The Ukrainian churches should also be assisting in helping to solve this problem by giving moral, spiritual and financial support to families. And how about the "oligarches" kicking in a few bucks to help the orphanages and various vocational projects to help orphans so that they are able to get jobs when they leave the orphanages!!!

patricia Joy (21:00 | 05 September,2006)

Good point Bohdan about getting the kids jobs when they leave the institutions, but they also need to be taught about ordinary everyday living as well. Most don't know how to handle money, how to cook and clean their own homes or how to handle their emotions. The last might not seem that important, but if they knew this we wouldn't have so many unwanted pregnancies from and by children coming out of care.

Tom (02:42 | 06 September,2006)

Upbringing starts at the home.

Tom (03:08 | 06 September,2006)

I beleive from reading many many post from US expat about the work that goes into orphanages and the children, is beyond belief. I must commend US expat for his undieing committment to these children. It takes a big big heart to try to get help out to these fortgotten souls. If you've read past post from US expat, you would know what a never ending struggle it is. Here's cheers to US expat and his children.

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