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Ukraine's Ombudsperson Karpachyova and US Ambassador Taylor address adoption issue

September 22, 2006, 0:00 3142 "ForUm"

Ukraine’s Ombudsperson Nina Karpachyova met with US Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor to discuss matters related to Ukrainian orphans, who have been adopted by Americans; the Cabinet press office informed referring to the Ombudsman press service.

In the course of the meeting, Karpachyova drew the US diplomat's attention to Ukrainian kids, who have suffered from parental violence and sexual molestation. The diplomat expressed his regret over such tragic incidents and informed Nina Karpachyova about the US Administration's steps to duly protect adopted children. In particular, Peggie Sue Hill, who killed her Ukrainian adopted child, was sentenced to 35 years in prison. As far as the three Ukrainian boys are concerned, who were sexually molested by D. Krueger and who were visited by a Ukrainian Consulate General official in San Francisco, the envoy pledged his personal control over them.

In view of the USA posing as the nation, which adopts the biggest number of Ukrainian children, the Ombudsperson suggested to sign bilateral agreements on adoption between Ukraine and the USA. As she said, US adopted parents have adopted 6,271 Ukrainian kids out of the total number of 16,174 children, since Ukraine became an independent state.

Regrettably, as of July 1, 2006, Ukrainian diplomatic institutions received no mandatory accounts about 795 Ukrainian adopted children from their parents. Nina Karpachova also stated her concern over adopting children as having become a most profitable business for unscrupulous agents.


CC (15:01 | 15 September,2006)

This is another matter that raises a big concern.

Jeff Mowatt (16:31 | 15 September,2006)

I agree. Recently I received reports that 2 children well into the formal process of adoption had somehow been fast-tracked overseas and away from their prospective adoptees. I understand that this attempt to bypass the official system had not resulted in a "buyer" and the children had now been returned. The story is being investigated this weekend and hopefully there will be more detail in a few days.

Ukraine2006 (19:00 | 15 September,2006)

Overseas adoptions need to be closely monitored with the relevant host countries agencies agreeing to get all applicants and provide support and counselling where required. Applicants should be registered both in Ukraine and in their home country and approval sort before adoption procedures can commence.. http://www.ukrainianangels.org. In reading Cathy's this story one can not help but be moved and inspired. Whilst Ukrainian orphanages are under resourced and in need of funding I do not consider them to be Death Camps for children as some have sensationally portrayed them to be, (Names withheld) These unfounded allegations are causing serious damage to Ukraine and those in need of institutional care. The problems with witch hunts is the innocent people are deemed to be guilty having just been accused of being a witch.

Ukraine2006 (19:10 | 15 September,2006)

Correction: "get" should read "vet". Overseas adoptions need to be closely monitored with the relevant accredited host countries agencies and government child welfare departs agreeing to vet all applicants and provide support and counselling where required. Applicants should be registered both in Ukraine and in their home country and approval sort before adoption procedures can commence

Peter Crosby (19:14 | 15 September,2006)

Uke2006 please elaborate, with facts to substantiate you claim that "These unfounded allegations are causing serious damage to Ukraine and those in need of institutional care." Please sunstantiate your implication that there is a witch hunt.

George Bohdan (19:50 | 15 September,2006)

PC, This U2006 character is just another moskal cattle brained troll here on the forum to create nonsense. Soon this bitch will change his/her name again. I know that this issue is important to a lot of contributors here, of which I know you are very qualified to ask this question. I am sure you will not recieve a sensible reply.

Ukraine2006 (20:15 | 15 September,2006)

No proof or evidence has been produced to substantiate claims that Ukraine is managing "Children Death Camps" six months since they were first aired and now poof has been forthcoming. Ascertains that Ukraine is systematically involved in committing mass murder or extermination is a slur on all of Ukraine and those involved in the delivery of health and welfare services, international care agencies and the like. Doors begin to close as people fear becoming a victim of a witch hunt, Foreign aid workers are considered to be inquisitors not aid givers. Ukraine oranges are not ideal but they are not involved in mass extermination of children and are not "Death Camps" as implied. No evidence has been presented to support such accusation and no credible welfare agency wants to be associated with such unfounded claims.

Ukraine2006 (20:20 | 15 September,2006)

For Orange read orphanages .. Do you have any evidence that Ukraine is deliberately involved in the mass murder, execution of Children. Genocide. I do not refer palliative care facilities as Death Camps and nor are Orphanages Death Camps. Its sensational opportunism at its worst.

George Bohdan (20:21 | 15 September,2006)

Got him, over his head as usual. Just a rant. Where are the URL's?.

Ukraine2006 (20:30 | 15 September,2006)

Peter If Ukraine is tainting Children Death Camps then this complaint should be directed to , Nina Karp, Ukraine's Ombudsman, who has over responsibility to investigate such claims. Those who maintain that Children Death Camps do exist can present their evidence as part of the Ombudsman investigation. Nothing published to date supports these outrageous allegations. I intend to write a letter requesting she investigate and comment accordingly. the longer these allegations go unresolved the worst it gets. If false those responsible should be held to account.

Ukraine2006 (20:37 | 15 September,2006)

Spell checker and poor editing. Nina Karpachyova , Ukraine's Ombudsman.

klapa (20:52 | 15 September,2006)

Ukraine 2006 - It was said before on the forum - these orphanages are not "death camps" but the care is very poor - these are orphanages for children none want to adopt - thus not many even know where they are. It was further said that you can go and see for yourself. I think the people who called them "death camps" have backed off that. You should stop hammering on this topic - go to the website where these people claim such to dispute it.

Abby Bee (21:41 | 15 September,2006)

USA - Just some clarification to items presented as "facts" in this article. Peggy Hilt did not kill her Ukrainian adopted child. She was sentenced to jail for killing her Russian toddler, which was her second intl. adoption. While this correction of the facts makes this situation no less horrible, the Ukrainian child is actually still alive. It was the Russian that died. In terms of the molestation case, these are still pending allegations without a resolution at the moment. If there has been a conviction, then it hasn't hit the media in the US, which would be surprising given how serious (and sensational -- which is something US media thrives upon) the allegations are. We personally know of several orphange workers, teachers and a few directors in Ukraine. Each works very hard and lovingly cares for the children in their institution. We also know many families in US and Canada who love and care for their Ukrainian children, giving them all their heart and attention.

Abby Bee (21:44 | 15 September,2006)

USA - Just some clarification to items presented as "facts" in this article. Peggy Hilt did not kill her Ukrainian adopted child. She was sentenced to jail for killing her Russian toddler, which was her second intl. adoption. While this correction of the facts makes this situation no less horrible, the Ukrainian child is actually still alive. It was the Russian that died. In terms of the molestation case, these are still pending allegations without a resolution at the moment. If there has been a conviction, then it hasn't hit the media in the US, which would be surprising given how serious (and sensational -- which is something US media thrives upon) the allegations are. We personally know of several orphange workers, teachers and a few directors in Ukraine. Each works very hard and lovingly cares for the children in their institution. We also know many families in US and Canada who love and care for their Ukrainian children, giving them all their heart and attention.

Jeff Mowatt (22:29 | 15 September,2006)

Remember, these institutions referred to as Death Camps are internats not orphanages and that the report which revealed the dreadful conditions included 2 statements. A witness describing them as concentration camps and the words of the director who stated that his staff were too busy burying children to provide effective care. In these circumstances I would say that concentration was the intent and death the result, making the two terms synonymous.

Ukraine2006 (23:09 | 15 September,2006)

Klappa: If it is not a Death Camp then why do others continue to refer to it in such sensational terms. The insult and damage arising of making such unfounded and outrageous claims undermines the seriousness of the situation. It is reckless and irresponsible. When challenged to provide evidence supporting the claims of the existing of Death Camps, names address photographs one contributor responded by saying "go and find them". Well I thought they knew where these death camps are. We are being asked to visit orphanages and care facilities and "go and find them". What has now been conceived by all but the author is that there is no conspiracy of mass murder of genocide of children in Ukraine. "We know, orphanages for handicaps are even the worst, but not "death camps". We believe it is serious accelerated, for the propose of fundraising."

AngelaW (23:16 | 15 September,2006)

I find it odd that the US government (via published visa numbers) only has 5,850 children adopted from Ukraine between 1991 to 2005. It would be nice if both countries could agree on the same total.

AngelaW (23:20 | 15 September,2006)

Also it would be nice if Ukrainian Embassy would quit losing the post adoption reports. I know 40 different adoptive families who filed their reports on time. But they were listed as "missing" reports. It was easy for them to send in copies of the original report. But I wonder how many of the missing reports are really lost reports.

Ukraine2006 (03:12 | 16 September,2006)

As this article points out it is the Ombudsman that is responsible for those in the state care. I have written to the Ombudsman highlighting the allegations of Children's Death Camps and ask that she review this allegation and the veracity of the complainants claims. Without solid evidence and the authors refusal to publish evidence (which is a difficult to understand given the severity of the allegations) it is difficult to determine the full extent of the motive behind such sensationalist allegations, reference to "Death Camps" implies much more then children suffering under poor conditions.

Jeff Mowatt (10:44 | 16 September,2006)

I'd like to know whether the US is willing to publish the results of their side of the joint US-Ukraine investigation into the Loving Stork agency. http://www.lovingstork.org/

Jeff Mowatt (10:56 | 16 September,2006)

I'd like to know whether the US is willing to publish the results of their side of the joint US-Ukraine investigation into the Loving Stork agency. http://www.lovingstork.org/

Ukraine2006 (17:00 | 16 September,2006)

Yes good point and there should also be investigations into organisations that register as private companies in order to avoid accountability and compliance with international and national laws related to charities and non-porfit organisations such as profit for poverty. It is the responsibility for the Ombudsman to investigate complaints against organisations and government.

Tom (20:00 | 16 September,2006)

This is whoever else is interested. I apologize to change topic, but time's running short and in two weeks we're having a gathering of forum contributors in Kyiv. If anyone's interesting in joining us please contact me at (for_free_ukraine@yahoo.com) I'll give you the specifics on the meeting.

Ukraine2006 (03:40 | 17 September,2006)

Quote from Peter (Bing) Crossby. "there were some point which are worthy of debate, including the concern that there is precious little evidence to support the death camp claim. ...but this makes it all the more important that action is taken to reveal the true scale and scope to Yurii Pavlenko. Mr Crosby previously claimed he was in fact aware of evidence that supported the outrageous claims and allegation about Death Camps.. Clearly he is not. Already I am in receipt of correspondence from a number of professional organization that are equally appalled at the suggestion made by Mr Hallman and others referring to Ukrainain orphanages as Death Camps. The damage done is significant, These allegation are reckless and sensational self promotion. Shame.

Ukraine2006 (03:48 | 17 September,2006)

Edited Comment: (Name withheld) Yes, the orphanages in Ukraine could use more financial aid from their country to help provide the orphans with more food, medical care, dental, etc.. ....BUT...every orphanage that I have been into is FAR from a "DEATH CAMP".. I adopted (x) Ukrainian children... None of them were treated badly in their orphanages, nor suffered from any neglect from care takers, etc. Yes, of coarse they could have used more nutrients, more food, vitamins, better medical, any type of dental, etc.. but over-all they were (and are) extremely healthy and I feel the orphanages did the best they could with what they had ($$). Unfounded, unsupported, outrageous, allegations of this type is a slur onj all of Ukraine and those supporting it should put up or shut up..

Ukraine2006 (03:51 | 17 September,2006)

Clarification - Last sentance "Unfounded, unsupported, outrageous, allegations of this type (Reference to Death Camps) is a slur on all of Ukraine and those supporting it should put up or shut up.. " was an editorial note and not included in the letter received.

Ukraine2006 (19:10 | 18 September,2006)

DEATH CAMP (Definition - http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/Death_camp) A death camp is a concentration camp which has been deliberately set up in order to kill those imprisoned there; such camps are not intended as punishment for criminal actions, rather, they are intended to facilitate genocide. *** Mr Hallman's reference to Ujraine's Orhanges as DEATH CAMPS FOR CHILDREN is sensational and reckless. His unjust claims are not support by facts, evidence or professional international welfare organisations directly invloved in Ukaine. Complaints should be forward to Ukraine;s Ombudsman and For-UA editor Maxim Popov; Kiev, Olesya Gonchara, 74a/29 Tel: +380 50 3473074

mhemmen (21:03 | 18 September,2006)

This omsbud-person, Nina, is a known opponant to international adoptions. She has made out-right threats to Americans parents before and continues to do everything in her power to shut down international adoptions all together. Thankfully, the new SDA is proceeding on with adoptions and, from what I hear, they are very friendly and helpful. As for the 1 or 2 sensational stories about adoptive kids being hurt....think about the thousands of kids being abused and molested in their BIRTH homes in Ukraine, Russia and the USA. If you compare, side by side, the rates of abuse in adoptive versus birth families....you will see that abuse is FAR less common in adoptive families than in birth families.

George Bohdan (21:38 | 18 September,2006)

Thank you Mhemmen, Terry Hallman's reputation will not be tarnished by this "Ukraine2006 " clown, no matter how much this sicko types. See Terry Hallman's articles published in Maidan.

Ukraine2006 (00:21 | 19 September,2006)

You mean the web site that Terry Hallman is the moderator for... try looking at Julia T' web site there you will see more people questioning the false unsubstanciated allegation made by Mr Hallman and other. Unless he can provide substancial evidence he just grandstanding and engaged in self promotion. We have been monitoring the madian site and have noticed that certain posts are soon removed. I am not sure is Maidan are aware of this fact as Terry is only responsible for the English board. Letters addressing this issue have been sent to childcare agencies in Ukraine and abroad seeking their assessment. Not one has replied supporting the outrageous claims of Death Camps for Children. Not one. All replies to date strongly opposed and reject Mr Hallman's claim. If your looking for "sickos" its those that support such unfounded claims without proof. Peter Crosby says "Go and find them" I thought he knew where they existed. Obviously not.

Ukraine2006 (00:27 | 19 September,2006)

George B. Do you have evidence that back's Mr Hallman's claim? If so what, where is it are you involved in a cover-up or are you acting in blind faith... Do not believe every thing you read. there is a lot in TH story that is not true. The For-UA editors did not verify and claims before they published Hallman's interview. Scratch the surface and you see it is not what it looks like..

Ukraine2006 (02:07 | 19 September,2006)

George B. Do you have evidence that back's Mr Hallman's claim? If so what, where is it are you involved in a cover-up or are you acting in blind faith... Do not believe every thing you read. there is a lot in TH story that is not true. The For-UA editors did not verify and claims before they published Hallman's interview. Scratch the surface and you see it is not what it looks like.. Link: http://www.tymoshenko.com.ua/ukr/forums/index.php?showtopic=10009

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