Anatoly has now his loving family!
Orphans deprived of parental care often have to face the realities of life, very early. What’s more, orphanage life is no fun, despite the supreme efforts of the teachers. All the sorrows leave a mark on children’s souls. One needs to be warm-hearted and really patient to heal such wounds.
Life never pampered Anatoly. It makes you wonder even more - it’s really rare to find such a sunny, open-minded and honest child, even in a happy family! I heard such remarks from the orphanage teachers, children, and my volunteer colleagues who sponsored and accompanied the group of orphans to the Bukovel Resort. He is a faithful, intelligent and really kind boy. Anatoly always tries to help everyone around him.
Anatoly has versatile talents: he is one of the best pupils in his class. It is not that the boy is a ‘wunderkind’, but he is really good at many different things. For instance, Anatoly makes the stands out at his musical school, compared with all his classmates. He’s already played the bandura (a traditional Ukrainian string instrument) at school concerts. Anatoly also loves poetry and is a talented reciter. The boy himself has taken his first steps into literature by writing poems. Anatoly draws very well and is also keen on sports.
This year Anatoly travelled to the Carpathian Mountains to go skiing. Honestly speaking there wasn’t enough time to become an expert in this kind of sport, but Anatoly did better than the rest of the kids. It was easy to see his good sense of balance and physical development.
If you are looking for a child to welcome in your family, you’d be fortunate to have such a son as Anatoly.
Anatoly has a brother Ivan (born in 1996; the profile #0171664).
If you are interested in adopting Anatoly, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents; you can also contact Children’s Affairs' service of the Zaporozhia State Administration by telephone (061) 239-01-56. Request the Profile Numbers of Anatoly 0060656 and Ivan 0171664.
Other children who dream of finding a family
If for some reason you are currently not able to adopt (for example, you are a student and do not have a family of your own yet) you are still able to help children at a boarding school (an orphanage) with your financial support. Ways you can help include: planning and participating in excursions and trips for children; visiting a child in an orphanage; or helping purchase developmental toys, books, construction sets, and sports equipment.