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A Child Needs a Family: Maxim G., born in 1998

June 15, 2011, 20:00 6243 Author: www.deti.zp.ua, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua Max can’t really imagine what his family was like - or even why a child needs a family. He just knows he wants to be a part of a family. His profile number is 0060656

The first time I cooked borsch (traditional Ukrainian beetroot soup) I was at a dormitory as a first year student, and fed up with eating packet soups. I was seventeen years old then – and if I had stayed living with my parents, this outstanding event would have happened even later. Maxim was cooking for himself by the age of six, before he was rescued and sent to an orphan asylum. Later, he was sent to an orphanage, and he’s been living there for the last five years.

Maxim is really happy that his ‘big sister’ lives at the same orphanage. Although she is really his older cousin, and they do not talk much - the fact of her presence is comforting.

Max likes helping his teachers, and doing errands. He is fond of playing football and riding his bike.

While I was talking with other children, Maxim was sitting to one side, eagerly listening to our conversation. He normally prefers remaining in the background -reluctant to be the center of attention. Maxim, though, is a member of a theatrical circle, and once the boy’s on stage, he’s transformed. He loves to read ‘humoresky’ (Ukrainian funny stories).

Maxim is a gifted boy –as you will see!

If you are interested in adopting, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents; you can also contact Children’s Affairs' service of the Zaporozhia State Administration by telephone (061) 239-01-56. Maxim’s ‘Profile Number’:0060656.

Other children who dream of finding a family

If for some reason you are currently not able to adopt (for example, you are a student and do not have a family of your own yet) you are still able to help children at a boarding school (an orphanage) with your financial support. Ways you can help include: planning and participating in excursions and trips for children; visiting a child in an orphanage; or helping purchase developmental toys, books, construction sets, and sports equipment.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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Kyrylo Shcherbakov

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