Quite for a long time I thought about such children, whose possibilities are limited because of illness, and who should stay at home almost all the time. They practically don't have friends, and they can't go to the places they would like to go.
I knew that in our area some Christians organized the summer rest camps where young people with the limited possibilities were invited. Then I started to pray for a camp for such children. Therefore, when the Christian Youth Center suggested to mix together all the ages in such a camp and provide it from July, 10 till July, 14th we were so happy and excited.
We didn't have any experience in working with such children, but we understood that these children and their mums need love, communication and understanding. The camp was organized in Zaporozhye (the Great Meadow) under the name "Orehofof" what means "There will not be any disagreements" translating from Jewish. Except 13 adults with special needs there were 11 children in the camp as well.
That's why we tried to create the entertainment program so that everybody was interested in. Our morning began with gymnastics. Everybody participated, and everybody did the simple exercises with great pleasure dancing "The Chicken Dance".
After morning preparations there was a tasty breakfast, then interesting and funny games in groups.
Reading the Bible, we spoke about spiritual wealth, later we did funny hand-made articles, played sports games.
All camp was amazed, when the real knight has ridden. Children with pleasure went for a ride in a carriage and even on top of the horse, and everyone would like to pat a horse. One of the participants told that it's being his life time dream to ride a horse, first time in his life he touched a horse and even rode it.
Every evening we gathered together: adults and children. Everybody felt good: we sang songs, watched animations, acted with the prepared show program, listened to the sermon.
After dinner everybody went to see a real fire, there we continued talking and singing to the guitar.
Time has passed very quickly. Leaving, we hoped for a new meeting!
I would like to thank all those people who has taken part in preparation and organization of this rest camp.
A great appreciation to those who made donations, let God bless all of you hundred times for your kind heart.
Special appreciation to "Happy child", organization who gave eight thousand grivnas for camp creation.