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July 2013 Report on the Works done at the Chernigov Child’s Home

August 13, 2013, 18:00 2842 Author: Author: Maria Semashkina, translated by Evgeniya Devyatkova www.deti.zp.ua Construction activities on the second Happy Home are in progress; the third bead weaving group was opened

During the warm season Kalinovka Child's Home turns into the summer skies for the foreign volunteers. A French volunteer who is currently studying physiatrics in Germany visited in July. Also a lot of preparations were made for the visit of the group of 17 British volunteers. Now the hotel is booked, the tickets are bought, and the arrival is scheduled for this week. You will surely receive the report on their stay in a couple of weeks.

Thanks to the support of our constant sponsor from USA, the Maya's Hope Foundation , two nebulisers were bought to help those children in need of regular inhalations.

The works on roofing and laying service lines (plumbing, heating and sewer systems) were started in July. We are sure that with your help we will be able to open the second Happy Homeby the end of this year!

The children from the second Happy Home will have bead weaving classes just like those living in the first home. Do not forget that you can help them raise the money to purchase beads by buying one of their handicrafts — visit www.artkalinovka.com for more information.

You can also find the handicrafts created by the children from the Velykij Luh orphanage on the website — maybe you like some of them. The young people in Kalinovka started making bead handicrafts this month, and soon the works of the adults will be added to the website too. This is probably one of the few cases when the “most capable” of them can do more than just help looking after cows and swine.

We have already told you about energy audit in Kalinovka and about the meeting with the regional authorities concerning it's results. And now we can tell about the Regional Council's decision to grant 450 000 hrivnas to build the solid fuel boiler house in the orphanage. This will alow to reduce the heating expences significantly. We hope that the new boiler house will start it's work this year.

During this month three more profiles of the orphaned children from Kalinovka were published on the foundation's website. If the matter goes through, in autumn we will tell you at least one more story with a happy ending.

Educator's achievments:

Children from the group of Valentina K. were delighted to watch the construction works on the second Happy Home for their friends. They also gladly help to clean the territory around their home. After watching cartoons they like to discuss the characters' behavior with their educator. With Valentina K. Kids listened to the children's songs and tales in Russian and Ukrainian, and the children tried to distinguish the sound of speech in these two languages. In the same group another educator, Sophia Sh. taught the children geometric figures, signs “plus”, “minus”, “greater-than”, “less-than”.

Educator Natalia P. Studied writing with Larisa K. using copy-books. She also taught Zhenya K. and Vera S. drawing, putting together jigsaw puzzles and toy pyramids. Educator Raisa G. read fairy tales to the children and showed them pictures. Some of the kids like to play in a dry basin with plastic balls and stay there longer than others.

Raisa G. is trying to teach Yegor G. to stand on his own legs, but he still has troubles doing it.

In the same group Olga M. watched old soviet cartoons with the children. She taught Anzhela G. to turn on a musical toy. Anzhela and Olya can stand up with the help of their educator now.

The list of the current needs of the Chernigov Child’s Home in Kalinovka (13th of August 2013):

1. Construction materials for the Happy Home-2

2. Plaster modeling figures

3. CD's with the sounds of nature and children’s music

4. CD's for music therapy

5. Acrylic paints

6. Bead embroidery sets

7. DVD's with cartoons, fairy tales, soviet children's movies

8. Manipulative materials (pictures)

9. Double-sided sticky tape

10. Jigsaw puzzles with medium and large pieces

11. Musical toys

12. DVD player

13. PVA glue

14. Canvas for beed embroidery

15. Water filter

16. Embroidery sets (colorful threads, linens or linens with pictures)

17. Toy construction sets

18. Toy blocks

19. Toy pyramids

20. Folders for transparent files

21. Soccer balls

22. Toy cars

23. Chalks

24. Knitting wool

25. Drying rack

26. Stain remover

27. Blender

We thank you for your help and morral support, do not forget that we are the only ones who can help these children! Every dollar, every minute of your time is as good as gold for these special children and adults. Keep on doing good!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Oleksandr Basenko
Oleksandr Basenko

Autism, brain damage

Help now
Kira Karhiieva
Kira Karhiieva

Disorders of neurodevelopment, disorders of the autistic spectrum

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Kseniia Lysenko
Kseniia Lysenko

Cystic fibrosis

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You donated in 2025

$ 3 476

Our expenses in 2025
To 16 sick children $2 934
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $77
To disabled children: $162
To children's village: $47
To orphans and poor children: $210
"Helpus" - help to adults: $153
Service expenses: $199
Total sum of expenses: $3 784

$7 054 984

donated since 2007