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Save a child: Balym Zakhar, 6 years old - relapse of acute lymphatic-blast leucosis

January 16, 2007, 0:00 4668 Author: Albert Pavlov, Zaporozhye, Ukraine (translated by Clara Fomenko) www.deti.zp.ua Unfortunately, the organism of the child has not sustained heavy treatment of 2nd relapse and complications, and 31.12.2009г Zachar died

How to donate money to sick children

Extract from case history

Diagnosis: the first early diagnosed marrow relapse of acute lymphatic-blast leucosis

We, volunteers, try to be objective and give information about all families in trouble. However, some families are particularly dear to us. Sergei and Oksana Balym with their son Zakhar are among such families. One has no answer to the question why this trouble has knocked at their door. We can only look into the eyes of a six-year old boy and find in them peculiar understanding of life, which is not to be found even among many adults.

Here is the letter written by Zakhar’s mom, Oksana Valerievna (phone number +3 8 066 715 09 13):

“Until he was two, our kid developed well and, in some things, even outdid those of his age. He was seldom ill. Our family could not help admiring our cute, tender, big-eyed boy. At the age of two he started attending kindergarten. He began falling ill with flue and bronchitis, accompanied by fever and falling indices of blood test. Soon the child started complaining about pain in his legs and armpits. Without any symptoms, such as cough or running nose, his temperature went up to 40 degrees Centigrade. On 19 September, 2003 in the policlinic for children test analysis showed presence of 29 percent blasts. Acute leucosis, in a lymphatic-blast form, was diagnosed. The kid was immediately sent to hematology department of Zaporozhye regional hospital for children. Our kid has endured lots of pain and suffering. He could not grasp what was going on. All these punctures, never-ending tests, chemotherapy treatment and hard complications worsened his eyesight, the condition of his knee joints and, cardio-vascular system. At the age of three and a half he had to learn how to walk again. It was next to impossible to watch him look at other children, he wanted to quickly run after them but could not. Zakhar had lost all muscular mass, and time was needed to graft it. Despite his sufferings and fragility Zakhar was able to bear all. In September 2005 chemotherapy ended. The marrow tests returned to normal. Rehabilitation and adaptation followed. At the same time, he was treated for virus jaundice B+C. On 28, September 2005 planned tests again showed 65 percent of blast cells in blood and 85 percent in marrow. Diagnosis: acute lymphoblast form, I early marrow relapse. This time the treatment was much more severe. Chemotherapy complications are becoming apparent. s Zakhar needs special care, I had to leave my job. My husband works long hours to provide our family. But at present we have no the money we need for our boy’s treatment. We are begging for help. Our first-born Zakhar wants to be healthy again, to have brother or sister, to help dad, and to see mountains and see in the future... "

By 17 November, 2006 Zakhar has had two courses of chemotherapy. Thanks to God, necessary chemotherapy preparations were available, and we had to buy only two bottles of asparahinase (120 dollars or 100 Euros) and some subsidiary medicine (essenciale and dugie, for 60 dollars).

The next chemotherapy course is expected be extremely toxic, so Zakhar’s parents want him to undergo this treatment either in Belarus or Kyiv. There is no blood separator in Zaporozhye, which is used in preparing tromboconcentrate. Without the separator the kid’s life is severely endangered. aking into account that Zakhar has relapse, he needs high quality treatment. Oksana and Sergei dream of taking their son to cancer-hematology center in Minsk, Belarus. But they need several thousands dollars to realize this dream. This sum is not available. Once Zakhar told his granma: “I want to die, then I would lie quitly and have a sleep, nobody would give me shots and droppers”. But when Zakhar feels better - he draws and plays, and a stranger could hardly imagine this child is seriously ill.

We hope that Zakhar will be healthy again, educate to be a doctor who will be able to cure leucosis. It is an open secret that the best doctors are former patients. And then no child will have to endure what Zakhar had to bear at the very beginning of his life.

To contact Zakhar’s mother by phone +3 8 066 715 09 13 (mobile), +3 8 061 273-89-92 (home phone number)

The boy is getting treatment at the department of hematology, Zaporozhye regional hospital for children (Lenin Avenue, 70, floor 5) - phone number +3 8 061 222-21-50

The volunteer from Zaporozhye Albert Pavlov can answer all questions concerning Zakhar that you have - phone number +3 8 066 5133435, detizp@mail.ru

Bank account for donations in US dollars:

Bank of beneficiary: AVAL BANK (JS Postal Pensionary bank) Kiev, Ukraine


Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye, Turgeneva str., 29


Account of "Aval" bank in the bank-correspondent: 890-0260-688


Beneficiary: Acc 032-262540544162 USD

Detailes of payment: Transfer on card according to the contract № 0389101200

Beneficiary: Balym Oksana CA 811363

You can send your donations for treatment by instant transferences PrivatMoney, VMT (Leader), Pravex Bank, Avak Express, Avers (Finance and credit), Western Union, as well as others.

How to donate money to sick children

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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