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Analytical survey of the fund activity for March-October 2008 period

November 4, 2008, 9:00 4722 Author: Albert Pavlov, translated by Alexandra Baglai www.deti.zp.ua Here is summing up the results of our activity, financial report for the previous period, explaining functions of our employees, plans for future...

Gentle readers of our web site!

Here is the financial account of the reporting period

From the 1st March to the 1st October we have collected 71758 $. The average donation sum of the month is 10251$. There were 330 of donations during this period, 47 donations a month. The sum of one donation ranges from 25cents to 4000$. Regardless of the sum – we bless everyone, who trusted us and gave us an opportunity to help to the indigent children.

The important result of our work is the response of our readers for the needs of concrete child. We are glad, that at least we have permanent site readers. And they are not only readers – they are active people that give a real support for children. We can observe the increasing of donating after publishing the request on our web site. Thus, besides the receipts on fund, from 2000$ to 10000$ are donated separately for the seek children needs. For these purposes our web site together with www.donor.org.ua acts as an information mediator.

Detailed financial statesments:

Donation received by www.deti.zp.ua and HappyChild fund in March-June 2008

Donation received by www.deti.zp.ua and HappyChild fund in July-September 2008

Expenses of HappyChild fund in March-June 2008

Expenses of www.deti.zp.ua and HappyChild fund in July-September 2008

About one another important result of our activity

The most important role of our activity is to wake up the noble impulses in our readers. We are deeply touched by the confessions of those people who have read our articles, who cried on them and received a great impulse for the conceiving of their lives.

About the charges of the employees and the fund expenses

I’d like to shed light on the question which is not widely discussed by funds. Obviously with an increasing of the donations the routine work regarding content rises too. It is impossible to realize these tasks only with the volunteers’ efforts. Any serious fund can't manage without regular labor force. At present we have two office-employees – Albert Pavlov and Nadezhda Mochalova. Irina Gavrisheva, Inna Grigorjeva, Aleksandra Baglai are our partners, and maintain our projects – so, in fact, they are also our employees.

Let’s speak about directions of fund activity. Aren’t they concerned only the money laundering?

Our work consists of two main streams – collecting donations and their rational spending. Both of these streams are extremely important and need huge amount of time and variable costs. Our duties are: placing requests on the web site, contact with parents and doctors, photo handling, preparing of accounts, searching of the contractors, receiving, sending and transferring of the packages, mailing, concerts and actions organization, web mastering…Quite often we have to do rather plain things which are very important to the definite people. For example, minimum 2 times a week we need to transfer the marrow analysis to Kyiv. During the day we receive minimum 3 dozens of the calls with information about seek children, hospitals, orphanages. Small wonder that our employees get home fagged out once and for all. It’s a pity, but there are only 24 hours in a day and it is impossible to realize all daily plans.

Except the wages we have variable costs for the Internet, telephony, fax, office-rent. Of course we do our best to minimize these costs. Our staff donates to our fund too.

Legally we can spend 20% of donations for our own, but we spent approximately 7%.

Here are main directions of the expenses

The main priority we give to the problems of the children with serious fatal diseases including cancer, because their lives are opened to question.

For the account period we donate 20378$ for the needs of Zaporizhzhya Regional Children's Hospital.

Seek children for the abroad evaluation and treatment received 15352$.

The boarding school Kalinovka received for their needs the sum of 10370$.

Fund "Happy Child" are still giving support to the orphanages. Now we try to accent on the spiritual problems and needs of the orphans. We pay for computer lessons, English lessons, art lessons and for studying of 3 children in the Computer Academy.

Lying in supplies we always try to economize donations. We always explain the orientation of our work to the suppliers and receive considerable discounts. Economized sums we direct to the children needs. Sometimes parents ask us to help in the collection of the sum for the abroad treatment (35000 euro). After the investigation of the papers we understand that the invoice was received not from the German hospital but from the dubious mediators. After more then month trying of connecting with that clinic we received the original direct invoice for the sum of… 10000$!!!

Our experience is very important in the contribution with different institutions. We have real examples of abuses, bribes and peculations and we know how to avoid them. In that way, thanks to our analytic work we can economize benefactors’ money.

About actions and other enterprises

With a benefactors support we have organized such enterprises as mountain-hikes with orphans, summer camp for orphans in the Crimea, boat excursion and trip to Kyiv for 30 orphans.

In June-July 2008 we took part in the volunteers project in the orphanage in Kalinovka.

In September-October we have lead several mass actions in order to attract attention to the problem of children suffering from cancer and to collect money for Vladik Tikhonov's rescue.

Now we lead an advertising campaign of our wed site to attract attention to the Zaporozhye children problems and needs. The results of this campaign are impressive – daily attendance of our web site exceed 900 readers.

In August we began the placement of the donation-boxes. Now we have 9 of them in Zaporozhye and 1 in Melitopol.

About web site content and modernization

Except collecting and spending of the donations we do our best to fill our web site with actual and interesting information. Our aim is to make this web site a real orphanages, seek children needs and other connected themes and questions I&R area.

We hope to unite honest, noble people, which are not indifferent to the actual children’s problems.

Best regards,

Albert Pavlov

President of HappyChild fund and website coordinator

detizp@mail.ru, +3 8 066 513 34 35

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Kira Karhiieva
Kira Karhiieva

Disorders of neurodevelopment, disorders of the autistic spectrum

Help now
Viktoriia Stepura
Viktoriia Stepura

Chronic bronchitis

Help now

You donated in 2025

$ 4 413

Our expenses in 2025
To 18 sick children $4 015
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $565
To disabled children: $1 160
To children's village: $47
To orphans and poor children: $210
"Helpus" - help to adults: $153
Service expenses: $2 115
Total sum of expenses: $8 305

$7 055 420

donated since 2007