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The Project "I Want to be". The Project "I Want to be" 20 Pupils from Zaporozhe Orphanage -School NO 4 have seen how cars are being built.

May 4, 2011, 23:00 4797 Author: translated by Nata www.deti.zp.ua Within the bounds of the project "I Want to be" pupils of the 9th and 10th grades went on a field trip to the AutoZaz plant to watch cars being assembled

An introduction to Automobile Engineering is the second step in the "Happy Child" educational tours. It was to show the boys the world of adults and yet allow them to choose a trade with which to work toward.

A teacher of technical subjects of ZAZ educational center, Nicolai Oseletdets was our guide in the plant.

The children were lucky to watch the most interesting stages of assembling "Lanos" "Sense" and "Chance" cars, they were invited to the assembly department where a auto body goes starting from wiring and finishing with fueling.

Before leaving the assembly belt line a car gets completed with noise insulation, dash board, pedals and other necessary details. After all checks for proper assembly, there goes the "test track" and finally the finishing shop.

Our guide was very thorough as he explained the process but, he also gave advice to the children thinking of making the auto industry their future job. Soon these boys and girls will leave the orphanage. They will make the decisions that determine their futures.

In the future we are planning more trips of different companies and manufactures, to show children what does it mean to be a Baker, a Doctor, a Pharmacist or even a Theatre artist, a Reporter or a Projectionist! Also to make them think and decide who they want to be.

To allow us to get this project off the ground and running, we need financial support for transportation of the children to and from our trips in a safe environment.

THose that would like to contribute, please do!

Those that would be willing to show us what it is you do, please call us.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Artur Kerimov
Artur Kerimov

Cerebral palsy, structural epilepsy

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