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Urgent: Venous Anastomosis Surgery Needed!

April 15, 2011, 21:00 3394 Author: Sasina Iana www.deti.zp.ua Such complicated surgeries are not performed in Ukraine. Preliminary estimates place the cost of travel to Russia, surgery and follow-up treatments at approximately 104, 000 UAH (13, 000 USD).

On the 16th of March Kysyl Tonia, with her foster mother Tatiana, returned from the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Children’s Hospital where the little girl had received treatment to harden varicose veins. The girl’s family decided to take her by ambulance to the neighboring city since there are no technical facilities to perform the medical procedure in Zaporizhia.

Discharge from the Dnipropetrovsk Hospital: Page 1, Page 2.

The Dnipropetrovsk physicians put off the procedure many times. Tonia started bleeding, so the procedure could not take place until the girl’s condition stabilized. The doctors managed to harden only one vein, however, as Tonia had difficulty waking up from the anesthesia. On top of that, she is suffering from gullet inflammation.

Tonia’s condition is currently stable. She has already been discharged from the hospital and prescribed a strict diet – a milk substitute only. Under such conditions Tonia will be able to manage until her surgery in Moscow or Germany takes place. The girl’s family is negotiating with the clinics to establish the surgery cost. According to the preliminary figures, the surgery and treatment in Moscow will cost around 104, 000 UAH (13, 000 USD). The high cost is driven by the surgical difficulty involved with a child of such young age and low weight. The surgery cost in Germany is still being determined.

Tatiana Danilenko says that kind donors have transferred to her bank account 1,030 UAH (129 USD). The family is deeply grateful to everyone who has responded to their appeal for help.

We’re appealing to all big-hearted people to support one-year-old Tonia on her way to recovery!

You can find the donation transferring details for Tonia’s treatment at “Help requests” page.

For more details feel free to contact the volunteers of “The Happy Child Foundation”.

There are many convenient ways to make your donation (PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, Webmoney, etc.)

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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