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Borshosh Zhenia – High Risk Liver Tumour

April 15, 2011, 21:00 3972 Author: Oksana Gerzhan www.deti.zp.ua Although Zhenia is only four years old, he already knows what it means to fight for life. The boy needs your financial support to make his liver transplant possible. Borshosh Evheniy was born on the 27th of November 2006.

Diagnosis: Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of liver (high-risk stage 3).

Case record 1

Case record 2

Zhenia’s up-to-date treatment news

How to help?

Reports of the donations received

The telephone numbers of the parents and volunteers.

Although Zhenia is only four years old he already knows what it means to fight for life. His mom Ljuda is a single parent. Zhenia has no dad. That’s why at this critical moment, Ljuda is desperately asking you for help. She cannot cope with the current situation alone any longer.

Zhenia was born healthy and was growing and developing normally. Ljuda recollects the boy as a very cheerful and active child. He attended kindergarten. Ljuda worked as a medical assistant in the village of Petropol in the Zaporizhia region. But everything changed on the 1st of April 2010 when the kindergarten staff informed Ljuda that her child was ill. Zhenia’s skin was totally yellow and the doctors of the local clinic diagnosed him with Botkin’s disease. Later, Zhenia was referred for the further treatment at a regional hospital where he was examined by a professor who assumed that the boy might have a liver cyst. He suggested urgent surgery which resulted in a cyst and gall bladder ablation. Zhenia was discharged from the hospital. A few days later the boy didn’t feel well. His temperature went up to 40 C°. So, Zhenia was again back in the hospital. After an examination, the little boy was diagnosed with sarcoma of the liver. Zhenia was prescribed four chemotherapy courses and then again sent home. But several days later, little Zhenia fell into a coma. The doctors were fighting for the boy’s life in the intensive care unit for ten days! And Zhenia, almost miraculously, came out of the coma!

Zhenia is currently receiving treatment in Kyiv at the O.O. Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantation. The liver transplantation surgery was supposed to take place on the 3rd of March. The boy’s donor is going to be his mother. All the examination phases are completed. The only thing left now is hoping for God’s mercy and the skill of the doctors. Our great task now is to collect 50, 000 UAH (6, 266 USD) which is required for the surgery and postsurgical treatment. The boy’s mother has already spent 80, 000 UAH (10,000 USD), 60, 000 (7, 519 USD) of which was donated by her fellow villagers, acquaintances, relatives and friends. Another 20, 000 UAH (2, 506 USD) Ljuda had to borrow, but it’s already spent. The situation is critical. Ljuda is a very strong and determined woman. She’s not going to give up and she’ll keep on struggling for her son’s life. However, Ljuda cannot cope with this alone. She is appealing to all kind-hearted people to help her little boy.

Our dear friends, you’re our only hope! Please give your financial support to Zhenia!

This is a very complicated and expensive surgery that is neessary for Zhenia’s survival.

The telephone number of Zhenia’s mother – Borshosh Ljudmila: +380 0957656310

The telephone number of the volunteer – Gerzhan Oskana: +380 0939417840

The donation details:

The recipient: PryvatBank

The Bank name: PryvatBank

The account number: 29244825509100

МФО: 305299

ЕДРПОУ: 14360570

There are many convenient ways to make your donation in euros, dollars, or roubles (Yandex, PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, Webmoney, etc.). You can use the services of our partners and friends from the “Alica” Charity Foundation: http://www.alica.kiev.ua/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=3&Itemid=62

You can also transfer your donation using your payment card Visa or Mastercard.

Reports of the donations received.

For more details feel free to contact the volunteers of “The Happy Child Foundation”.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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