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Pancake week in the hematology department

April 14, 2011, 21:00 4909 Author: Inna Fomenko www.deti.zp.ua Last week oncohematology department had a good time seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Pancake week came to the children-patients of the department with a puppet show, games, riddles and round dances

Last week little patients in the oncohematology department of the Zaporozhye regional hospital were having good time seeing the winter off and welcoming the spring. Pancake week came to the children patients of this department with a puppet show, games, riddles and round dances.

Our art-therapy leader Tamara Alexandrovna Gorelova together with Zhukov’s family -Sasha, Masha and Natasha, their mother - didn’t let the children get bored.

First, there was a merry show and puppets speaking in Sasha and Masha’s voices. The puppets spoke about simple but very important things: how not to upset Mom, not to lay your own the blame on others and learn to apologize. They also showed children how much joy there was in forgiving others.

As usual, a great inventor soul Mom Natasha invented a lot of games. The next spring will bring a lot of flowers so the children had to train in advance to gather them, even if they were only drawn on paper at the moment.

Then the children learned to cross the “springs” over the “bridge”.

Besides, they rode a merry-go-round.

And they danced round dances with Mashenka and Mom Natasha.

Both children and mothers were very pleased with such nice and unexpected activity. As for Tamara Alexandrovna, with the start of the Lent she will begin preparing different handiworks for the future Easter together with the children.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Kira Karhiieva
Kira Karhiieva

Disorders of neurodevelopment, disorders of the autistic spectrum

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