What does it mean to be young? It’s a strong desire to live and admire life, learn something new, make friends, smile and just to enjoy a full deep breath! In his early twenties Valentin is deprived of a carefree life – his illness has imprisoned him within the four walls of his flat as well as isolated him from his friends. The young student had to take a sabbatical. During the last year the young man had to undergo very challenging surgery, seven chemotherapy courses and rehabilitation therapy.
Valentin is an erudite and inquisitive young man. This open-hearted lad spends much of his time reading historic and scientific books.
Natalia Serheevna – Valentin’s mother supports her son with his struggle for life. Nevertheless, the government benefits of Valentin’s mom and his own disability grant are just a drop in the ocean and it is surely not enough for the treatment. Valentin used to get some financial support from his relatives and friends, but nowadays they are not able to continue helping the boy due to their own financial difficulties. And on top of that Valentin’s mom has got much debt.
One chemo and rehabilitation course costs Valentin 4, 000 hryvnyas (503$). Besides, the young man has to take some checkups from time to time which also require some money. The monthly income of the mother and her son is half of the amount of money which is necessary for effective treatment.
In January 2011 the readers of our website donated for Valentin’s treatment around 1, 000 hryvnyas (125$). Valentin and his mother are deeply grateful to all the kind people who have been supporting them by donations.
Due to Valentin’s sudden health deterioration all the January donations were spent on a complex rehabilitation therapy, as well as for his treatment in the Surgical Department of the Zaporizhia regional hospital # 5.
In February 2011 Valentin needs to have an urgent course of the chemotherapy. And the worst is – the boy’s family has no money for that. To purchase all the important medicine Valentin needs requires 4,000 hryvnyas (503$)!
Valentin and his mother are really hoping to get some support from you, our dear readers and donors!
You can find the donation transferring details for Valentin’s treatment at “Help requests” page.
For more details feel free to contact the volunteers of “The Happy Child Foundation”.