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Melitopol Municipal Children’s Hospital

January 31, 2011, 13:20 9170 Author: Galina Miroshnychenko, translated by Elena Guda www.deti.zp.ua The hospital has been providing help to Melitopol children for more than 50 years.

News about the hospital and its children patients

General information

Hospital structure (department list)

Hospital needs

Contact information

Ways to make donations


Melitopol Municipal Children’s hospital has been providing medical help to Melitopol children for 50 years. At present there are about 27 thousand children in the city. Also, the hospital often provides help to children from Melitopol, Akimovka and Pryazovsky districts of Zaporozhye region.

For the children who don’t receive parental care the so-called social medical beds in the hospital were organized in 2008; the conditions of keeping children patients are close to those in the chidren’s homes.

Doctors and nurses working in the hospital are qualified and highly skilled. Many of the doctors are certified for the highest and the first qualification categories.

In spite of numerous difficulties, the hospital passed the qualification evaluation for the status of “A hospital friendly to children” on the 13th of May, 2010. It is the first one in Zaporozhye region to receive this title.

HOSPITAL STRUCTURE (list of departments)

Structurally, the hospital comprises 4 ambulatory pediatric departments. One of them is included in the structure of the central polyclinic and the remaining three are situated in different city districts and they are physically close to the districts they serve. In the central children’s hospital the reception of patients is conducted by doctors of 15 specializations beside the district pediatricians.

In-patient department structure:

Department for the youngest children aged 1 – 36 months

Department of pathologies of new-born infants

Department for the children older than 3 years of age and for teenagers

Department of anesthesiology and intensive care

In-patient hospital care


The conditions of the doctors’ work and the hospital conditions for the children patients and their mothers who have to stay in the hospital for some time definitely need improvement. All the hospital buildings are old; rooms and compartments in them do not correspond to the modern standards and have been reorganized many times. Majority of the hospital and polyclinic rooms need overhaul, especially those of the department for the youngest children aged 1 – 36 months.

The hospital administration with the Chief Physician as its head do their best to create proper conditions for the patients and medical staff: full value diet is ensured for the children in the hospital; necessary repairs are being made in the polyclinics and in the in-patient wards; new equipment is always purchased at first possibility. All the hospital departments have hot running water and showers. Split conditioning systems are installed in the majority of the departments, too.

The hospital is provided with medical equipment and transport means for not more than 25% of what is really required. Naturally, this situation does not allow for the realization of the professional potential of the hospital staff and for ensuring a proper level of medical care for the city children.

The hospital is in great need of purchase of the following:

- state of the art low dose X-ray unit (the existing X-ray units in the hospital are of 1976 year manufacture and their operating resources were exhausted long ago) , negatoscopes and other equipment of the kind.

- biochemical semiautomatic analyzer

- infant incubators for newborns and intensive care department

-pulse oxymeters

- dosing injection pumps (lineomats)

- respiratory systems

- laryngoscopes

- electronic scales and floor scales

- refrigerators

- functional beds for newborns

- split conditioning systems for X-ray rooms and for laboratories

- slit lamp, ophtalmoscopes.


Full name:

Melitopol Municipal Children’s Hospital

Mailing address:

Frolova st 21, Melitopol, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine

Hospital Chief Physician: Anatoly Mykhaylovych Pokrovenko

Phones: Chief Physician: +38 (0619) 42-10-44

Admission department: +38 (0619) 42-06-32


Prior to providing any help to the Melitopol Municipal Hospital it is recommended to contact its management (department heads or the chief physician) and the “Happy Child” foundation staff.

It is possible to transfer a sum of charitable donation to the Hospital settlement account; the bank attributes are as follows:

Melitopol Municipal Children’s Holpital

Stated codes: MFO (Interbranch Turnover) 813015, EDRPOU (National Registry of Ukrainian Enterprises and Organizations) 05498813

Settlement account 35427003003398

Other ways: either to make a donation to the Happy Child foundation or to individually purchase a piece of necessary equipment and to send it to the Melitopol Municipal Children’s Hospital.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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You donated in 2025

$ 33 455

Our expenses in 2025
To 33 sick children $8 703
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 710
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $2 015
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 715
Service expenses: $2 304
Total sum of expenses: $19 540

$7 084 665

donated since 2007