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A small message from Sophiyka

January 16, 2011, 20:00 4486 Author: Elena Chuhrii www.deti.zp.ua The grandmother of Sophiyka Geyko is writing to you again:

"From the December, 22nd the third cycle of chemotherapy, meaning the final consolidation, started for Sophiyka. It comprises 6 weeks of chemotherapy and 2 weeks of hormone therapy.

On the December 22nd a lumbar puncture of the backbone was made after which Sophiya is to receive weekly intramuscular injections of Methotrexate and Asparaginase for 6 weeks (asparaginase in its toxicity can be compared to a rattlesnake bite). Each day she takes chemotherapy powders, antimycotic agents “Amphomoronal”, “Colistin” and some medication for liver function support.

Thank God, Sonechka’s general condition is normal. At present she is at the hospital daily care.

During the New Year’s celebrations Sophiyka with her mom went to the New Year’s shows in the hospital. She saw the New Year’s tree and got some presents but the most important and the most desired among them both for Sonechka and our family is Sophiyka’s health. At present she is dreaming of the time when she will be back at home completely cured and we will buy her chips, nuts and… BANDS for her hair!!! It is absolutely impossible to listen to such wishes of a 3-year old child without tears: though she has no hair yet to tie the bands to she wants them as a present.

Ahead, Sophiyka still has 3 weeks of chemotherapy, 2 weeks of hormone therapy, one lumbar and one sternal puncture followed by radiation treatment.

We are constantly praying to God for him to give strength to our girl so that she will be able to bear everything. I know we are not alone in our prayers. People who are interested in Sophiyka’s condition often make me calls and support us with their prayers. I want to thank everyone for this support.

With respect and gratitude,

Svetlana Vladimirovna, Sophiyka’s grandmother"

Grandmother Svetlana’s telephone:: +38 (067) 854 28 40

You can make donations for Sonya Geyko treatment, the requisites can be found at the page with help request.

To obtain additional information about how else it is possible to help Sophiyka you can always address the staff of the Happy Child foundation.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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$ 148 885

Our expenses in 2024
To 72 sick children $44 324
Medical equipment: $7 266
Humanitarian help: $32 542
To disabled children: $52 001
To children's village: $2 382
To orphans and poor children: $6 920
"Helpus" - help to adults: $19 673
Service expenses: $23 618
Total sum of expenses: $191 232

$6 918 483

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