The circumstances have been such that you can help us support two lovely kids – Vitaliy and Maksim! The boys had the misfortune to be born with cerebral spastic infantile paralysis, so they have needed to struggle for everything in their life: for each step, and each single opportunity to enjoy their childhood like their peers.
We are deeply grateful to our readers for supporting these boys. Thanks to your donations the boys’ moms can afford buying medications (like Ceraxon) and therapeutic massages.
We are appealing to our friends! Make your New Year’s donation for Maksim Shevchenko and Vitalik Yavorskiy! They both need 800 hryvnyas each (99.95 $). The quality of their life depends on the quality of their treatment!
Details for transferring your donations for the boys:
(Please let the Foundation members know about your donations)
There are many convenient ways to make your donation (PayPal, MoneyGram, Western Union, Webmoney, etc.)
For further information contact the volunteers of the Happy Child Foundation.