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It’s only a dream but dreams come true.

November 4, 2010, 16:00 4687 Author: Serge Ovcharenko http://deti.zp.ua For a long time our foundation could do without office car but recently we understood that it’s affect our productivity greatly.

In the year 2004 a group of volunteers gathered with the idea to help children and orphans. Later in 2007 charity fund “Happy Child” appeared. For all these years foundation helped thousands of people who were in need. And all this time we managed to do without office car, always saving extra money for sick children and orphans. Usually we used public transport or simply rented a car (which is very expensive). In most cases this way of dealing was far from been perfect. Very often we need to take things to Kalinovka orphanage which is located more than 100 miles from our city. And the worst thing is that there is no public transport there.

From time to times we discussed this problem but idea of buying a car remained a dream. This week we probably reached the highest point in this aspect. 5 big boxes with shoes and clothes came to our office and more are expected. Shoes and clothes are very important for those who don’t have it. But as we know that it’s really hard for us to deliver things to orphanages we suggest to ship stuff directly to orphanages. Most people don’t do this because they know that if they send it directly to the orphanage children might not even see it. So we never refuse to receive boxes with clothes and shoes. But on this picture you can see how much stuff we need to deliver. Some of these boxes should be delivered to orphanage 50 miles from our office. And we can not give these things to anyone else because we promised that things will be delivered right where donor said. And this brings us to dilemma. We can not refuse people to accept boxes with clothes and at the same time to deliver it to the recipient brings us unbearable troubles.

And all of us understand that very “small” thing can change everything. It’s office car of the fund. And the car needed not only in transporting clothes and other things. Very often we have different events and meetings. This car can be used to transport people as well.

Our fund is growing. More and more people get to know about us. And most of the time we feel ashamed to tell people that we don’t have very necessary thing in our work.

I think I can talk for ages why we need a car in our foundation. I can tell this because I experienced it myself how you can suffer while helping if you don’t have simple comfort as a car.

For 3 years foundation managed to raise a little more than 1800 dollars. To buy more or less reliable car in Ukraine you need to have at least 7-8 thousands dollars. And I am sure no one can call that this is a fancy car. I would rather say it’s more like a modest one.

When you donate to orphans or sick children it’s really great. But now I understand that how awful it is when you simply don’t have means to help others and no matter how strong desire you have.

So when you donating even 10 dollars think maybe you would like to invest even 5 cents of this money into future. And if you do so believe that you provided us with something that can help thousand new people who desperately need help.

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Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Kyrylo Shcherbakov
Kyrylo Shcherbakov

Brain malformations

Help now
Lev Ustinov
Lev Ustinov

Autistic Spectrum Syndrome

Help now
Mariia Proskurina
Mariia Proskurina

Bilateral sensorineural deafness

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You donated in 2024

$ 144 728

Our expenses in 2024
To 70 sick children $41 234
Medical equipment: $7 266
Humanitarian help: $30 419
To disabled children: $50 358
To children's village: $2 382
To orphans and poor children: $6 763
"Helpus" - help to adults: $19 417
Service expenses: $22 189
Total sum of expenses: $182 499

$6 914 327

donated since 2007