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The Zaporozhye City Children's General Hospital #5

May 10, 2011, 16:00 16642 Author: Inna Grigorjeva translated by Anya Lyashenko www.deti.zp.ua The Zaporozhye City Children's General Hospital # 5 is one of the largest in the Zaporozhye Region. It provides qualified services to children from the whole region.

News About the Hospital and Its Patients

General Information

The Structure of the Hospital

Hospital Needs

Contact Info (addresses and phones

How to Help

Hospitals' Main Entrance

Children's Hospital #5 Foyer. Live plants, New Year decorations and fairy tale characters make it beautiful and cozy.


The Zaporozhye City Children's General Hospital #5 is the largest (by potential number of patients and square footage) children's hospital in the Zaporozhye region. Structurally it consists of 16 specialized clinical departments. Doctors of the Zaporozhye City Children's General Hospital #5 provide qualified help to children of the Zaporozhye region. Young patients with various illnesses and pathologies are treated here.

Children's hospital #5 has functioned since 1991 with a capacity of 505 patients.

This is a public hospital which is financed by the state. It experiences a budget deficit (due to insufficient state financing) in the following categories: repairs and maintenance, specialized equipment and medical supplies.

The Zaporozhye City Children's General Hospital #5 section of our website will be informative to residents of Zaporozhye city and its region. We hope to increase an interest in this hospital's problems as well as the problems of our children's health.

We also hope that residents of Zaporozhye and its region will be donating money to the charitable account of the hospital and that the state will pay more attention to this medical facility. We shall help the young generation to become healthy citizens by investing in their health and caring about them today.

STRUCTURE OF THE HOSPITAL (departments' list)

В There are 16 clinical departments:

- Cardiorheumatological and Gastroenterological department;

- Allergological department;

- Nephrology department;

- Surgical department (including neonatal surgery);

- Urology department;

- Neurology department;

- Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat - ENT) department;

- Diagnostic infectious boxed department (newborn to 18 years old);

- Infectious boxed department for older children (3 years old and up);

- Infectious boxed department for younger children (under 3 years old);

- Neonatal pathology department;

-Premature neonatal pathology department;

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of The Zaporozhye City Children's General Hospital #5 specializes in taking care of premature babies from the whole Zaporozhye region.

- Intensive therapy department with extracorporeal methods of detoxication and chronic hemodialysis;

- Physiotherapeutic department;

- Endoscopy department;

The Hospital has:

- Policlinic department;

- X-ray department;

- Department of functional diagnostics;

- Rehabilitation department;

Children's hospital #5 specializes in successfully taking care of premature babies


Detailed and verified information about hospital needs can be found in each department section list of the departments.


Full name:The Zaporozhye city children's general hospital #5.

Facility address:

Novgorodskaya Street 28 A

69076 Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Location: Khortitsa district (public transportation stop "Novgorodskaya")

Hospital's Chief Medical Officer: Tokar Yelena Ivanovna

Phone Directory: Chief Medical Officer: +3 8 (061) 224-94-19

Emergency Room: +3 8 (061) 224-93-86

Help Desk: +3 8 (061) 224-93-89

Web page:


We greatly appreciate your contacting executives of The Hospital #5 and employees of the Happy Child Foundationprior to providing any kind of help or sponsorship.

You can make donations to the charitable account of the hospital:


МФО 813015, ОКПО 05498789

р/р 35422007000745 в ГУДКУ в Запорожской области,

or "Happy Child" Fund account or purchase the necessary equipment/supplies on your own and transfer them to The Zaporozhye city Children's General hospital #5.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Stepan Suvorov
Stepan Suvorov

Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia

Help now

You donated in 2024

$ 46 470

Our expenses in 2024
To 48 sick children $19 261
Medical equipment: $1 355
Humanitarian help: $18 764
To disabled children: $32 971
To children's village: $991
To orphans and poor children: $1 303
"Helpus" - help to adults: $10 868
Service expenses: $9 430
Total sum of expenses: $96 490

$6 812 068

donated since 2007