Articles about foundation projects
To ease the way to recovery…
We need help to keep the project of psychological support to sick children running!
September 12, 2012, 10:00 2341Port-catheter - less problems, better results!
Special venous catheters can make the treatment of children with cancer easier. Help us to provide the children with port-catheters!
January 20, 2012, 22:00 10422Happy Child ecovillage for orphans and foster/adoptive families
In Zaporozhye Oblast, charity fund "Happy Child" is taking the initiative to develop a small village community of foster families where children and parents will live in harmony with nature
July 1, 2011, 21:00 25890Everybody in the world needs a house…
With your help several the most promising boys from Kalinovka boarding school for disabled children could live in the home-type house
April 23, 2010, 15:00 9551Publications found: 4
Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine
They need help:
You donated in 2025
$ 4 015
Our expenses in 2025
To 17 sick children | $3 247 |
Medical equipment: | $0 |
Humanitarian help: | $77 |
To disabled children: | $162 |
To children's village: | $47 |
To orphans and poor children: | $210 |
"Helpus" - help to adults: | $153 |
Service expenses: | $199 |
Total sum of expenses: | $4 097 |
$7 055 023
donated since 2007