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Magic cells for Maryika Sokolova

October 6, 2022, 20:55 554 Author: Yana Lobanok deti.zp.ua In September, the girl received another portion of stem cells.

У вересні дівчинка отримала чергову порцію стовбурових клітин

Maryika has a lot of complex diagnoses - cerebral palsy, metabolic disorders and seizures. To improve the girl's quality of life, doctors recommended a new method of treatment - the introduction of stem cells. These magical cells were isolated from the umbilical cord at the birth of the second child in the family. Ideally, the introduction of Marijka's stem cells should be done several times, with an interval of six months.

We collected funds for the second introduction, planned for April, together with you. However, due to the war, the procedure was postponed, and the cost also increased from 760 $ to 1000 $. Despite all the obstacles, in September Mariyka received another portion of treatment cells. We believe that everything is for the good, that girl will feel much better!

Thank you your help for Marija!

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