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Latest news about Maksimushka Anokhin

August 2, 2021, 14:01 1026 Author: Olga Vovk Fundraising is suspended! We are sincerely grateful to our assistants! The kid is preparing for the upcoming transplant.

Maxim Anokhin



Last week by the staff of our foundation Maksimushka was transported from the Zaporozhye regional hospital to the Okhmatdet clinic in Kiev. He was admitted to the infectious-boxing ward.

Now the baby is going through the most important and difficult period of treatment. Every day, he is connected to 9 droppers with medications, and during the breaks they carry out diagnostics.

Maxim Anokhin

Kiev doctors have already removed three diagnoses in cardiology, this is a small, but very serious victory! Alas, there is some bad news. Maxim was diagnosed with a new difficult and rare diagnosis - biliary atresia.

At the moment, the further tactics of treatment has not yet been precisely determined. It is precisely known that surgery will be required. There is a hope that the operation will be carried out in Ukraine.

Maxim Anokhin

Yesterday, July 29, a small operation was performed to collect biomaterial. It is his research that should clarify.

According to preliminary estimates, up to 370 dollars are required to pay for medicines and diagnostics weekly. Also, my mother asks to rent a baby stroller for newborns for a while. Doctors recommend Maksim to be outdoors more often.

Katerina, a single mom with many children, asks to support them in such a difficult life situation. Help from kind people is a chance for Maksimushka!

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

They need help:
Davyd Tereshchenko
Davyd Tereshchenko

Bronchial asthma, allergic vasomotor rhinitis

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