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Violetta Yurchenko, born in 2012 - Chronic kidney disease, stage 5

October 8, 2020, 21:00 3789 Author: Olga Vovk www.deti.zp.ua Fundraising is closed due to the death of a child! Violetta finished her earthly journey. We offer our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends.

Violetta Yurchenko

Violetta Yurchenko, born on 20.12.2012

Diagnosis: Chronic kidney disease, stage 5.

News about Violetta Yurchenko's treatment


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WARNING! Fundraising is closed due to the death of a child! Violetta finished her earthly journey. We offer our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends.


Violetta's life story is riddled with pain and fear since her birth. The baby was born with severe pathologies and a large number of difficult-to-pronounce diagnoses. The most severe of these is grade 5 kidney disease. She undergoes peritoneal dialysis several times a day.

Violetta Yurchenko

Violetta never had her own home. She mainly lives in hospitals, occasionally she is discharged, and then with her mother she moves to a rented apartment. Viola's mother is an orphan, without a home and a husband, there is absolutely no one to help her. And the mother also has three children with whom she cannot live because of the serious illness of her youngest daughter. For more than 7 years, three children have been brought up by her friend.

At the moment, my mother was left completely without means of subsistence. Disability payments for a daughter have been suspended, and it is still impossible to restore them. Due to the grave condition of the baby, they were transferred for treatment to Kiev, Okhmatdet. How long the family will stay in a strange city, doctors cannot even guess.

Violetta Yurchenko

Hopelessness. Mom is in a series of troubles and trials. She left her three children behind to save her fourth child. She needs support, financial and simple, human. Boarding schools do not teach complex problem solving and survival without breaking the law. God only knows how much mom needs strength to continue the struggle.

In fact, with the proper full-fledged therapy, Violetta could spend half the time in the hospital. A vicious circle: the lack of funds for medicines leads to serious complications and an even greater need for funds for the purchase of medicines. In this situation, only the indifference of strangers can save the baby's life. Monthly purchase of medicines and examinations requires from 8,000 to 10,000 hryvnia. Also, the question of buying a specialized high-calorie food is urgent: at the age of 7, Viola weighs only 10 kilograms.

Violetta Yurchenko

Due to the critical lack of weight, the baby can no longer walk, she lacks strength. Communication with other children also takes a lot of energy from her, therefore it is also limited. The only thing that still brings a smile to Violetta's face is the "Bee" jelly candies and games on an old tablet.

Please help unite the family and save Violetta's life!

The family lives in the Zaporozhye region.

For additional information contact the staff of Happy Child Foundation.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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Myron Borysov
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