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Project "Happy Home" for orphans

March 12, 2018, 19:00 4913 Author: Albert Pavlov www.deti.zp.ua Creation of family-type homes and group homes for orphans

Project news

The Needs of Happy Homes

Volunteer needs

How to help?

Videos about children's eco-village

All living beings strive for happiness, hardly anyone will dare to challenge this ancient Indian truth. But the value of happiness lies in the fact that it must be shared! Happy people create happy families and live in happy homes. It sounds a bit utopian, but happiness is not a static form, it's a path that a person chooses for himself, and which he is ready to follow within the framework of his own life, family, community and planet.

Thinking over the Happy Home project, we dreamed that it would not be just a comfortable home in an ecologically clean area where large inclusive foster or adoptive families can live. No, we wanted every inhabitant of the house to be able to feel happy and wanted to share it with others. We would like parents who love each other to raise their children in love, so that every child, regardless of his physical, intellectual, and emotional characteristics, feels the importance of his presence on this planet. We believe that happy people will treat animals and plants with love and respect, that conscious people living in love will take care of the purity and beauty of their settlement. And we are working to make our dreams come true.

To date, within the framework of the Happy House project, 5 houses have been built, designed to accommodate 6 foster families with many children. Now 32 children live in the houses, 19 of them are children with special needs. And we are ready to host new families to develop the Children's Eco-Village project together

And now let's move on from the lyrics to the specifics! Are you inspired by the Happy Home project and are you ready to join? then below, especially for you, our conditions and obligations are dryly and reasonably described. But remember that we are flexible and reasonable people, ready for dialogue, if your family is not ready to agree with some points, but the project excites your mind, contact us and we will try to find a reasonable mutually beneficial solution.

Project Happy House

The goal of the project: living of the maximum number of orphans, including those with special needs, in families with loving parents.

Requirements for parents wishing to join the project:

1. Preference is given to complete families with healthy relationships within the couple.

2. The desire of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle.

3. Respectful attitude towards other people.

4. Striving for a conscious life and broadening one's horizons.

5. Ability to conduct an open dialogue.

6. Respectful attitude towards world religions and philosophical trends.

Families participating in the project are provided with a house and property for the period of raising children, subject to the following conditions:

1. Each Happy House is home to 5-10 adopted (fostered) children, the occupancy rate of the house is over 60%. If the occupancy rate of the house is less than 60%, then the family moves to a smaller house (subject to the availability of a free house) or to their own living space.

2. The family is filled with children within 6-9 months, if this fails, then the project manager has the right to terminate the agreement.

3. Children with disabilities must live in Happy Houses. The number of special children is individually negotiated with each family.

4. The presence of biological children is allowed, but preference will be given to those families that can accept a greater number of orphans.

Children who enter secondary and higher education after graduation and who live most of the time outside of the Happy Home are not automatically considered permanent residents. Such a family must either accept new children or act in accordance with paragraph 1. Moreover, children can come to visit on weekends, holidays, vacations, etc.

Other property provided by the foundation to the project participants:

- Furniture (beds, wardrobes, tables, etc.);

- Appliances (computers, TV, washing machine, etc.);

- Company car;

- Agricultural tools and equipment;

- When starting a family, bed linen and dishes are provided.

Families pay on their own:

- Food;

- Detergents;

- Fuel for the car, the family monitors the health of the car, regularly does maintenance;

- Bills for electricity, gas, and other utilities;

- House redecoration.

The family is responsible for the property provided by the foundation.

The psychological atmosphere and life values of the residents of Happy Houses

1. Healthy relationship between parents.

2. Unacceptability of physical punishment and emotional abuse.

3. Equal treatment of bio and adopted (fostered) children, equal distribution of family resources.

4. Respect for the child's religious self-determination. The compulsion to visit temples or read religious literature is unacceptable.

5. Life of the whole family in accordance with universal human values:

- don't lie;

- do not steal;

- do not kill;

- respect nature;

- to help your neighbor.

6. Tolerant attitude towards people with special needs.

7. Development of hard work.

8. Joint volunteer and charitable activities.

9. Disclosure of the intellectual and creative potential of each child.

10. Physical development (hiking, sports sections, active games, etc.).

Ecology of consciousness

Respect for the environment:

пїЅ Sorting and disposal of garbage;

пїЅ Cleanliness of the territory;

пїЅ Conducting cleaning and renovating;

пїЅ Inadmissibility of cutting down living trees and buying firewood from unverified suppliers;

пїЅ Rational use of water, fuel, electricity, car, etc .;

пїЅ Planting and caring for green spaces;

пїЅ Gradual transition to safe sources of heat and energy: solar water heaters, heat pumps, "passive house", etc .;

пїЅ Minimal use of plastic;

пїЅ Taking care of animals, treating them as living creatures adopted into the family who need care and love. In the Happy Home, everyone is treated like friends. Slaughter of pets is not allowed

The medicine

The project participants regularly conduct a high-quality examination of all children, and not "for show" in the district polyclinic. The Foundation helps in the provision of serious treatment and rehabilitation.

Living conditions

1. Families maintain cleanliness in and around the home.

2. Happy houses should be beautiful, comfortable, without unnecessary luxury.

3. Parents organize regular cleaning of the premises.

4. Absence of unpleasant smell is important.

5. Furniture, appliances, equipment, etc. must be in good working order.

Additional staff

As the project develops and new families move in, subject to the availability of free funds, the fund helps foster parents pay for additional staff (cook, tutors).

Photos and descriptions of houses:

"Happy House-1" was opened in December 2011 after the reconstruction of the Mennonite building in the village. Kalinovka, Chernihiv region, Zaporizhzhia region. Now 7 children and 5 young people with severe disabilities live in it, together with their parents-educators Edik and Natalya Prodanov. Several staff members assist the parents.

"Happy House-2" was opened in June 2014 in c. Kalinovka near the Happy House-1. In the summer of 2017, Olga Moroz's guardian family settled here. The guardian mother is raising 9 adopted children with special needs. Like the Prodanov family, the additional staff helps Olga with childcare.

"Happy House-3" was opened in December 2015 in the village. Ukrainian woman of Mikhailovsky district of Zaporizhzhia region. This building was built from scratch and is designed to accommodate up to 10 children and 2 parents on the first floor and 5 children and parents on the second floor. Today, the family of Albert and Yulia Pavlov lives on the second floor of the house with 4 biological, 3 fostered, and one young man with a severe disability. We are looking for parent-educators on the first floor.

"Happy House-4" was opened in December 2015 in the village. Ukrainian woman of Mikhailovsky district of Zaporizhzhia region. This building was built from scratch and is designed to accommodate up to 10 children and 2 parents on the first floor and 5 children and parents on the second floor. Today, the family of Albert and Yulia Pavlov lives on the second floor of the house with 4 biological, 3 fostered, and one young man with a severe disability. We are looking for parent-educators on the first floor.

"Happy House-5" was created in the village. Lyubimovka, Mikhailovsky district, Zaporizhzhia region (10 km from the village of Ukrainka) during the major reconstruction of the former building of the family doctor's outpatient clinic. Now bureaucratic issues are being resolved and the house is being commissioned. The house can accept an applied family - a family-type orphanage with 6-8 children, or become a group home for supported living for 6-8 people with disabilities.

"Happy House-6" was created in the village. Lyubimovka, Mikhailovsky district, Zaporizhzhia region (10 km from the village of Ukrainka) during the major reconstruction of the former building of the family doctor's outpatient clinic. Now bureaucratic issues are being resolved and the house is being commissioned. The house can accept an applied family - a family-type orphanage with 6-8 children, or become a group home for supported living for 6-8 people with disabilities.

"Happy Houses No. 1, 2, 5" are actually managed by the foundation but are owned by local village councils. Happy House-3 is owned by the foundation, Happy House-6 will also be owned by the foundation. Happy House-4 is in the process of being transferred into the ownership of the foundation.

Help us develop happy houses!

We dream that Happy Homes will allow more and more orphans to experience the joy of family life, recover from tragic events in life and adapt to normal life.

We really need help in the following areas:

Building new homes

n the near future we are planning to start the construction of "Happy House-6" in the children's village in Ukrainka. There is a land plot for this. It is planned to build a two-story energy-efficient house with an area of about 200 square meters, for up to 10 children and 2 parents. The estimated cost of construction is $ 70,000. You can help with both building materials and any kind of work, transportation of goods, etc.

In addition, we are considering options for purchasing inexpensive houses that are suitable for us in terms of area, as well as long-term rental of such houses.

Additional staff

Constructing a building for an orphanage is only half the battle. It is much more difficult to help children with trauma and special needs to adapt to a normal life.

Most caregivers living with 7-10 children need the help of additional staff. For healthy children, these are tutors who will help make up for failures in education, as well as teachers of music, dance, etc. With a large number of children, the help of a housekeeper is sometimes necessary for preparing food, caring for children. Children with severe disabilities need the help of additional nannies, a psychologist, a rehabilitation therapist, and other specialists.

We are convinced that without professional support, parents will be doomed to burnout, and children will not be able to successfully adapt to life.

Wells for service water for houses No. 3 and No. 4

In the children's village Happy Child for orphans in the village. The Ukrainian woman has an urgent need for her own source of technical irrigation water.

Gas supply connection at house No. 5 in Lyubimovka

The gas pipe runs along the street, it is necessary to draw up all the necessary documents and connect to the mains, purchase gas boilers and other equipment. The cost of connecting one house is from 35,000 hryvnias.


Cars for 7 or more people are required - minivans or minibusses like Renault Traffic, Renault Loggie, or analogs, you can use it. We also dream of an electric car. We can take a car for temporary use (for free rent)

Minibus with 18 seats

A minibus (Mercedes Sprinter or similar) is necessary to transport children from several houses on excursions, at sea, on hikes.

Construction of farm buildings

Children and parents already live in houses, but there are practically no outbuildings. As a result, residents of Schastlivye Doms have nowhere to put their household inventory, walk-behind tractor, and bicycles. There is nowhere to store firewood and keep pets.

Other needs

Happy Homes also needs air conditioners, computers, seedlings of garden and ornamental trees and shrubs, swimming pools, solar water heaters, toys, books, walk-behind tractors and brush cutters, clothes, and shoes.

Volunteer needs

You can come to any of the houses for a visit or as a volunteer. To do this, write to us about the likely date of arrival, and about yourself to the address info@deti.zp.ua

Some houses have accommodation for volunteers. We are always glad to positive, decent, educated people who are ready to help in conducting classes with children (music, dancing, drawing, school subjects, etc.). Also, volunteer builders are always needed.

How to help?

- become a member of the initiative group engaged in the development of the project;

- write about your potential desire to accept orphans into your family, including children with special needs, and become a resident of the house;

- help financially in paying for project documentation, registering land for an eco-village, in paying for construction work;

- help with building materials or the performance of construction, installation work;

- to promote the installation of donation containers in shops, pharmacies, banks, and other crowded places. To do this, you just need to convince the owner of the establishment to allocate half a square meter to install the container;

- help as a volunteer in working with children, clearing the area, cleaning up construction waste, cutting old trees;

- help with seedlings of fruit and ornamental trees, grapes;

- help to spread information about the project (make a repost or post links to the project on their websites and social networks);

- help in attracting funds for the construction of a children's eco-village.

Write, call - we are always happy to answer your questions!

Write, call - we are always happy to answer your questions!

Videos about the children's village:

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

They need help:
Misha Zavorotnii
Misha Zavorotnii

Organic damage to the central nervous system, complex metabolic disorder

Help now
Artur Kerimov
Artur Kerimov

Cerebral palsy, structural epilepsy

Help now

You donated in 2025

$ 31 610

Our expenses in 2025
To 28 sick children $7 823
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 609
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 235
Service expenses: $2 268
Total sum of expenses: $17 968

$7 082 618

donated since 2007