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Yehor Bespalyi, born in 2017 - Severe cystic fibrosis

July 4, 2018, 9:00 2741 Author: Olga Vovk deti.zp.ua To be home with Mum and Dad is possible! It’s up to us to help Yegor!

Yehor Bespalyi, born in 15.09.2017

Diagnosis: Severe cystic fibrosis.

Treatment News Yehor Bespalyi


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Hello, dear friends!

I want to tell you about our son Yegor. His birth was the happiest moment for our family. But hearing his first breath, we understood that there were problems.

Yegor was immediately placed into intensive care and transferred to Zaporizhzhia Hospital №5. After a month, we took Yegor home. The first two weeks were like paradise… At two months, we hoped that everything would be fine.

After his next blood work, he was hospitalized again. His hemoglobin was down to 60 g/L (normal range is 120-160), but the doctors didn’t know why. Daily monitoring led to a preliminary diagnosis: cystic fibrosis. That was like a nightmare. This diagnosis was confirmed by DNA testing.

We transferred to the Regional Children's Hospital in Zaporizhzhia. After a full diagnostic workup and 3 months’ time, the committee of physicians diagnosed a severe case of cystic fibrosis with pancreatic insufficiency. To me as a mum, it sounded like a life sentence. I had shock, hysterics, panic, and fear. What is to be done next? How to survive? and most importantly, how long will my child live?

I pulled myself together and realized that if I failed, I wouldn’t be able to help my child. I had to be strong for Yegor. Even though Yegor spent much time hospitalized, he is recovering step by step. He is smaller than other kids of his age but developing and interested in everything around him. He is a smiling and cheerful boy who wants to live.

I do say that Yegor fights for his life from his birth. He showed us that he wants to live and will continue to fight. Our family will keep supporting him. Unfortunately, treating CF is very costly. His father is the only one employed in our family and we don’t have enough money for vital medicines.

Every day Yegor takes Convulex (valproic acid), Ursofalk (ursodeoxycholic acid), Creon pancreatic enzyme, N-acetylcysteine, vitamin D, Maltofer (iron polymaltose), and inhalants Berodual (ipratropium bromide) and Lorde Hyal (hypertonic saline).

After six months of hospitalization, all our money was spent. We are asking for your help as we can’t handle it ourselves.

The family lives in Zaporizhzhia.

For additional information contact the staff of Happy Child Foundation.

Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

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You donated in 2025

$ 32 203

Our expenses in 2025
To 30 sick children $8 301
Medical equipment: $0
Humanitarian help: $1 047
To disabled children: $1 702
To children's village: $1 006
To orphans and poor children: $1 940
"Helpus" - help to adults: $2 426
Service expenses: $2 283
Total sum of expenses: $18 744

$7 083 413

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