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A Child has a Family: Alexander B., born in 1999

February 26, 2013, 19:20 3388 Author: Mariya Semashkina, translated by Daria Sukach www.deti.zp.ua This child has been adopted by a loving family from the USA. He’s soon leaving for home, following the thread which brought him his real family

This child has been adopted by a loving family from the USA. He’s soon leaving for home, following the thread which brought him his real family.

Little Alexander is very special. He really differs from you and me. He cannot speak and looks much younger than he actually is. And he always eagerly searches for a thread…

His group educator often tells me and I witness it myself as well that Alexander is always in search for something. He searches for a little thread. If he fails to find any, he exerts all his strength and unknots his own pants or sweater.

Alexander never puts threads into his mouth the way other children would likely do. The boy tries to thoroughly examine his thread in the light.

The boy probably wants to tie himself to our reality. That is perhaps the reason why Alexander is not interested in toys or playing with other children since he searches for his thread that will surely tie him to the world around and his loving parents?

Whenever Alexander meets someone for the first time he longs for communication. He then starts to search for a new thread. My camera string somehow turned out to fit perfectly for this thread role.

When I left the room and then entered it again to take some more photos, the boy was hiding his face from me. He seemed to have intuitively guessed that I was not “his thread” that means a happy future and loving family for him. I was just one of many visitors. At the beginning he was yearning for my attention though.

I’m sure this boy has a bright future. No wonder then that he enjoys so much to play with his threads in the light. He really needs someone who would become his thread to the world, who would give him loving care and warmth, who would become his real family. Forever!

If you are interested in adopting Alexander, please read the memo to the potential adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents; you can also contact Children’s Affairs' service of the Zaporozhia State Administration by telephone (061) 239-01-56. Request the Profile Number of Alexander accordingly to the orphan list # 0055225.

Other children who dream of finding a family

If for some reason you are currently not able to adopt (for example, you are a student and do not have a family of your own yet) you are still able to help children at a boarding school (an orphanage with your financial support. Ways you can help include: planning and participating in excursions and trips for children; visiting a child in an orphanage; or helping purchase developmental toys, books, construction sets, and sports equipment.

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