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We’re forced to make an emergency stop…Help us, please!

November 5, 2010, 18:35 3248 Author: Inna Grigorjeva (translated into English by Daria Sukach) www.deti.zp.ua Max has run out of fuel at the halfway point of his treatment. So, we must hold out a helping hand to this lovely child!

This time Maxim did not have any good news for us: after achieving incredibly positive results the past year, the little boy is now experiencing a tough time. At the end of the summer Maxim got pneumonia, so he had to postpone his main and vitally important treatment for a while. His main treatment allows him to move, sleep at night, and simply live a normal active life without severe joint pains. This ‘normal’ life, however, is only possible if the boy precisely follows the doctors’ course of treatment. Unfortunately, the pneumonia has disrupted the boy’s treatment scheme by forcing him to cancel his arthritis medications.

On top of it all, Maxim's pneumonia was particularly severe as the arthritis and constant drastic remedies have weakened his immune system.

When the pneumonia was over, we finally breathed a sigh of relief. Sadly, however, our joy was short-lived: the arthritis has become so acute that Maxim is not able to walk anymore. It’s heartbreaking to look at this unusually wise little boy who cannot move on his own.

The battle against pneumonia cost the family all their savings. So, now in October 2010, Maxim needs $2254 to catch up on his arthritis treatment course. If the boy doesn’t start his treatments – his pains will become increasingly severe, and the illness will once again rule Maxim’s life. The boy’s mom jokes sadly,“Maxim is like a car; if he is not fueled up (in the boy’s case with ‘medicines’) – he won’t drive."

Dear friends! Maxim is really relying on your support! His mom Vita is, of course, a strong and optimistic woman, but she cannot cope with this alone. Your friendly and heartfelt support is her only source of hope and optimism.

You can ask for further information to "The Happy Child" fund's workers

The ways to make donations for Maxim's treatment:

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Happy Child foundation - effective help to the most needy children of the Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, since 2004

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$ 46 284

Our expenses in 2024
To 46 sick children $18 185
Medical equipment: $1 355
Humanitarian help: $18 764
To disabled children: $33 059
To children's village: $991
To orphans and poor children: $1 303
"Helpus" - help to adults: $10 868
Service expenses: $9 361
Total sum of expenses: $95 322

$6 811 882

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